_____Alloy: Holiday 2000_____
Mandy Moore by: Unknown

The last time we talked to you, it was right before you really blew up. Life must be totally different for you now. How are you dealing?
My life has changed a lot since then. This time last year, I was opening up for *NSYNC. It would be daylight when I would go on, I sang on the little stage people would see as they'd walk through the turstiles, and, like two people would be in the audience, eating popcorn. The other night, I played my first headlining show. I saw the ticket stub, and it just said "Mandy Moore". I was so freaked out!

Is working for MTV really as much fun as it looks? And what have they got lined up for you next?
Hosting the show was a lot of fun, 'cause there was no script, so I got to just be myself and act stupid. We're doing a pilot for a show kind of like the one we did in SoCal - but it's going to be a little cooler, and less laid back because we're going to be in New York, not at the beach.

Seems like all the pop stars are trying to out-diva each other. Do you ever feel any pressure to make you image sexier?
There is always going to be pressure. But I don't like really supertight, sexy stuff. I don't like showing my stomach. I don't like stuff that's cut too low. It's just not me. The thing is, if other people are doing it, it's fine because they're pulling it off, but I know if someone were to stick me in something like that, I'd be uncomfortable.

Yeah, we hear you. So your hitting the studio this month to record the follow up to So Real, which should be out this Spring. What should we expect?
It won't be so poppy pop. It'll be, I guess, more rock - with real instruments. That's kinda where I want to go.

So whaddaya say - Backstreet or *NSYNC?
Backstreet! I could sit here contemplating - and you what dude, I love *NSYNC - but at the end of the day, how can you compare "I Want It That Way" to "Bye Bye Bye"? They are totally different. Backstreet's music is - I know it's a cheesy word to use - a little more timeless. Like, my Dad likes the Backstreet Boys. And my Dad still listens to, like, The Eagles.

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