Teen People Online - October 9th 1999

TEEN PEOPLE Online: We're here chatting with Mandy Moore backstage at the show she's playing with the Backstreet Boys in Minneapolis. Welcome, Mandy! Mandy Moore: Hey guys!

Question: Mandy, I am proud of you for sticking with this whole record deal. You will definitely skyrocket to the top. You have potential. How did you, being only 15, get famous?

Mandy Moore: I was very lucky. Last summer I was recording my demo and I met a guy who had a couple of friends at different labels, so before we were done with it he sent it off without us really knowing. We were lucky to hear back from them.

Question: How is it like touring with the Backstreet Boys? I love them so much and I went to a concert on the 21st of September, but you weren't touring with them yet.

Mandy Moore: The guys are so sweet. They are true entertainers and put on a great show, plus they are so down to earth. That makes it fun to be on tour with them even more.

Question: Hey Mandy, how did you get started?

Mandy Moore: I started singing when I was 10 but I knew I was going to be a singer ever since I was 6. I started taking voice lessons at 10 and doing local plays.

Question: Do you like being up on the stage and performing?

Mandy Moore: It is my favorite thing in the whole world. Nothing compares to the feeling I get when onstage. I love to connect with the fans and them singing along with me. It's so awesome.

Question: Do you prefer bigger arenas or smaller stages?

Mandy Moore: It doesn't really matter to me as long as the audience is good. In smaller arenas you have a closer feeling with the audience, but in bigger arenas you get to perform to more people, so they both are cool.

Question: Mandy, where were you born?

Mandy Moore: I was born in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Question: What did you wanna be when you were younger, and when is your birthday?

Mandy Moore: I knew I wanted to be a singer ever since I was 6, and my mind never changed after that. My birthday is April 10, 1984.

TEEN PEOPLE Online: What sign does that make you?

Mandy Moore: I'm an Aries.

Question: Who influenced you to be a pop star?

Mandy Moore: Ever since I was little I always looked up to Madonna, Janet Jackson, Bette Midler and Karen Carpenter.

Question: Hi, did you get to hang out with all the N Sync guys? If so, were they awesome?

Mandy Moore: I did get to hang out with the guys from 'Nsync, and the guys are very cool and so down to earth, and the same with the Backstreet Boys.

Question: Hey Mandy!! I'm a big fan and unfortunately I missed you performing at the 'Nsync concerts. When will I be able to see you perform?

Mandy Moore: Well, if you have tickets to any of the BSB concerts, you can see me. I'll also be doing some radio shows throughout the country for the next couple of months.

Question: Mandy, what is your favorite type of music and your favorite groups?

Mandy Moore: I like all types of music, but right now I'm really feeling a lot of hip-hop and R&B, but I like all kinds. I don't really have a favorite group because I respect and love so many artists that it's hard to pick a favorite.

Question: Hey Mandy! I'm a huge fan! I was wondering if, before you sang, did you ever try acting, and do you plan on trying it in the future?

Mandy Moore: I've always sung and acted, but singing is definitely my love. I grew up doing TV commercials and do aspire to do some more acting later on in life.

Question: What's the name of your next single?

Mandy Moore: My next single is going to be "So Real." The album has the same title, and it comes out on January 4th.

Question: What advice, if any, would you give to kids growing up without any support about singing and dancing, yet they love to sing and dance?

Mandy Moore: I would definitely say don't pass on any good opportunities, and don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it, because it's your dream and you can do it.

Question: What are your plans for New Year's Eve? Will you be performing?

Mandy Moore: As far as I know, I don't think so, but plans always change. I hope to be home with my family and friends if I'm not performing.

Question: I just wanted to know if you have any regrets about becoming a singer at such a young age.

Mandy Moore: I don't, in fact I feel very lucky. There's so many talented people out in the world and I'm so grateful to have been in the right place at the right time. I love what I do.

Question: Mandy, what is your next music video going to be about?

Mandy Moore: That's a good question, but I have some ideas and I'm definitely going to create the concept for the video, and I promise to make it very cool.

Question: That guy in your video is hot! Is he a model?

Mandy Moore: Yes, he is a model from Los Angeles.

Question: Do you have a celebrity crush? If so, who?

Mandy Moore: I would have to say Ryan Philippe. But he is married and has a baby now.

Question: Mandy, how does it feel to be one of the youngest new sensations?

Mandy Moore: It is so flattering. I never thought, ever, that I would be in the position that I am in now.

Question: Hey Mandy, I wanted to know if you had any tips for people who want to be singers. Like how do you find the connections for managers and all that stuff?

Mandy Moore: I would have to say again don't pass up on any good opportunities, because you never know who is watching you and what will come of that.

Question: Mandy, what do you want to be remembered most for in the future (besides your music)?

Mandy Moore: I want to be remembered as me. I am 15 and I always want to act my age and set an example for all kids that want to break into the business, proving anyone can do it if you don't give up. Plus I would love to have a long career and be remembered as a true entertainer -- not just a one-hit wonder.

Question: I was wondering, how do you get your hair to stick out and where do you buy your clothes?

Mandy Moore: Actually I don't do my hair, but it's a very simple style, and I have an awesome stylist who shops for most of my clothes.

TEEN PEOPLE Online: We have time for one more question

Question: Mandy, do you have any pets or siblings -- and if so, how many?

Mandy Moore: I have 3 cats and 2 brothers.

TEEN PEOPLE Online: Thanks so much for joining us tonight, Mandy. Any final thoughts?

Mandy Moore: I just want to thank everybody for coming, and an extra huge thanks for all the love and support, because I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Thanks again!

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