Chapter 1

"Charlene! I do not want to go on-line! Let's go to the mall." Jessica told her bestfriend of 5 years.

"Oh come on..everytime I wanna go on-line you always wanna do something else!" Charlene replied back as she sat down on her computer chair.

"That's because I would rather be talking to people in the flesh." Jessica muttered sitting next to Charlene.

"Just one time..and if you still hate it then we can go to the mall after..k?"

"Fine." Jessica said and watched Charlene log on to America On-Line.

"Hey've got mail" The computer said when they went on.

"Who the hell said that!?" Jessica asked when the deep voice scared her.

"I programed that Kevin wave to come on when i have mail." Charlene replied opening her mailbox. " Sandy..Megan..Ick Porn..Porn..Sandy.." Charlene said as she rolled off everything that was in her mailbox. After she deleted the Porn she read her mail.

"Sandy sent me new poser screen names!" Charlene squealed. She loved messing with the BackStreet posers who came on-line. "Its an AJ one! my favorite!"

" need a life.." Jessica said, bored. She got up and went to get some juice in the kitchen.

"Ugh..shut your mouth." Charlene said as she IMed the AJ poser.

Angelgirl: this AJ?

BoneDaddy: Sure is..and who is this?

Angelgirl: do I know you are the real AJ McLean?

BoneDaddy: I don't really care if you believe me or not.

Angelgirl: Wow..that's a good way to get fans...

BoneDaddy: Got a problem?

Angelgirl: are my problem! I just IMed you and your turning on me! gawd...your not even the real freakin AJ..just some boy who can't get none trying to be a teen idol hoping some teenage girl will cyber with you! Get a frickin life Bizatch! Charlene signed off muttering about the AJ poser.

"Whoa girl..calm down..what happened?"Jessica asked.

"I'm fine..this is me..fine!" Charlene said. "I am going to go take a shower and then we will go to the mall..k?"

"Yea..thats fine" Jessica replied. Jessica sat on the couch flipping through the channels. When she couldn't find anything to watch she got up and went to the computer. " Maybe I will go to a chat room or something." She signed on and went to 'People' at the top of the screen and then went to 'find a chat'. Just then an IM popped up on the screen.

BoneDaddy: Back so soon?

Angelgirl: I know you?

BoneDaddy: We talked just a few minutes ago...

Angelgirl: Ohh..that wasn't me..I think you talked to my friend..this is her screen name.

BoneDaddy: Oh..well..What's your name?


BoneDaddy: AJ

Angelgirl: What does it stand for?

BoneDaddy: Alexander James

Angelgirl: I like that name..mind if I call you Alex?

BoneDaddy: I don't let anyone call me that but my mother.

Angelgirl: Why not? Its a cute name.

BoneDaddy: Your calling me cute!? How about handsome? Sexy? Good looking!?

Angelgirl: Nope..your cute..Alex.

BoneDaddy: Ok..Jess..I am cute..happy?

Angelgirl: Very.

BoneDaddy: Your a strange know that?

Angelgirl: Strange can be good. >:)

BoneDaddy: LoL.

Angelgirl: Well..I have to go..Charlene is ready..maybe I'll talk to you later.

BoneDaddy: Aww..your leaving me? Will you be back?

Angelgirl: Maybe..try not to miss me too much. HeHe..Bye!

BoneDaddy: Peace Out.

Chapter 2