Chapter 10

I watched Alex and Charlene from afar..they looked like a cute couple which depressed me. I was happy to see them getting along but it just made me lonely. I was day dreaming of my dream guy when someone interupted me. "Hey Jessica..what you doin tonight?" AJ asked me when he came up with Charlene.

"Nothing really..maybe watch a movie.." I replied.

"Why don't you come with me and Charlene?" He asked taking off his sunglasses. "You don't need to be sitting alone on a Saturday night." I looked at Charlene and could tell she wanted to be alone with AJ.

" two go...I don't want to be a third wheel or something." I said looking down.

"How about if I bring a friend?" He asked not going to give up.

"Alex..I am fine..just go have fun!" I said then turned around and starting walking to a check out counter to ring up a lady's sale.

"Jesse!!" He whined. "It will be fun! We can double! I am not taking 'no' for an answer!" He said with a puppy dog face.

"Oh gawd..he is whippin out the puppy face..fine..if its that important to you I will go..ok?" I said. " Just don't bring me a dork." He smiled.

"I don't have friends that are dorks..well..with the exception of you." He joked.

"I may be a dork..but I am a damn cute one!" I said and punched him lightly on the arm.

"Yea..I guess your cute..if you like the curly hair and hazel eye thing..but me..I like them different." He said referring to Charlene. I just stuck out my tongue at him.

"I'll pick you and Charlene up tonight around 7 and I'll bring your date along..K?" He asked.

"Fine whatever" I said. He hugged me goodbye and went to tell Charlene the plan for tonight.

'Oh gawd..if he brings me a BackStreet Boy..That boy is dead!' I thought.

Chapter 11