Chapter 11

I went home from work to get ready for my 'date'. Charlene was wearing a baby blue tight dress with her hair up with baby blue clips. I decided to wear a black tube top dress with my hair down (something I didn't do often). We were ready by 8 and waited for them to get there.'

"Do you have any idea who he is bringing for me?" I asked.

"Nope..he didn't tell me..but the other BackStreet Boys are cute..You would be lucky to get one of them."

" know I do not like them..And what do you mean I would be lucky? You don't think I can get a man??" I asked a little annoyed.

"Look at that dress you can get quite a few.." She said then laughed. Just then the doorbell rang.

"You get it..I have to go get my purse!" She said then went to her room. I walked to the door, took a deep breath then opened it.

"Hey Alex." I said when I saw him standing there in baggy blue jeans with a wife beater and a button down black shirt over it.

"Wow..hey look..well..Good!" He said then laughed. I laughed and looked to the side of him.

"Hi..I'm Jessica..and you are..?" I said to the man.

"Nick." He said and smiled, extending his hand.

"Come on in..I have to go get my purse." I told the two and went to see what was keeping Charlene.

~In the Living Room~

" owe you Big! She is hella HOT!" Nick said grinning like an idiot.

"Calm down Boy..she is my FRIEND and you need to treat her right tonight or I will kick your ass!" AJ said.

"Of course." Nick said and waited for me not knowing why AJ was looking so mad.

~In Charlene's Room~

"Charlene they are here..come on." I said getting my black purse off of her bed. I glanced at her wall to see a group shot of the BackStreet Boys.

'Lord..he got me a BackStreet Boy! Does he have no other friends!?' We walked out of her room and into the living room. Both AJ and Nick were smiling. We walked outside and out to AJ's car. Nick helped me in the backseat that we were sharing and got in. AJ got in the driver's side and looked back at us talking softly. He smiled. But the smile didn't quite reach his eyes, and started the car.

"So..where are we going?" Charlene asked bringing AJ's attention back to the front of the car.

Chapter 12