Chapter 14

The next day I was off of work and decided it was a day for relaxing. I slept in til 10:00 and took a shower. I walked out of my room after getting dressed to find Charlene on her computer. I laughed and went to the kitchen to look at the mail. I didn't have any, like usual, so I went to go see what Charlene was doing. I sat down on the couch.

"What ya gonna do today?" Charlene asked me.

" T.V...not do anything that requires work..why?"

"You wanna go to the movies with me and some friends?"

"No..I just wanna stay here today." I told her.

"Oh come on! Please??" She begged.

"Fine..what time?" I asked not wanting it to be right away.

"Umm..around 4." She told me.

"OK." I said and got up to go to my room and read.

~Later that day~

"Come on Jessica! We are gonna be late!" I heard Charlene yell as I put some lip gloss on.

"This coming from the girl who is never on time?" I asked Charlene once stepping out of my room.

"Ha Ha" She said as we went outside to get in the car.

"So..who are the friends we are going to meet?" I asked her turning on the car.

"Oh..AJ..Nick..and the rest of the BackStreet Boys!" She said with a grin on her face.

"Jesus.." I said and turned on the radio thinking about one boy in particular.

Chapter 15