Chapter 16

"I'll be right back." I told Nick as I got up to see where AJ went to in such a hurry. I looked around the lobby to see him sitting in the corner with his head in his hands. I walked over quietly. "Hey..are you ok Alex?" I asked kneeling down next to him.

"Yea..No..I'll live." He said not looking up.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked him as I put my hand on his arm.

"Talk about what exactly? That the girl I like, likes one of my bestfriends? That she won't look at me like nothing else but a friend? How it tears me up to see her with him?" He asked with growing anger.

"What are you talking about?!" I asked him.

"I'm talking about YOU!." He said then got up and walked quickly back into the movie. I sat there for a minute trying to get what he said through my head. I got up and walked back into the movie with a smile. After the movie I tried talking to him but he either ignored me or walked away. I told Nick what was up and he then told the rest of the guys.

"Be right back!" Brian said dragging AJ with him.

"Ok.." I said not knowing what was going on.

" did everybody like the movie?" Kevin asked.

"It was great! Better than the first one!" Nick said.

"I guess it was OK.." Howie said.

"The first one was better!" Charlene said which brought on a little fight between her and Nick. As they argued I saw AJ walking back to us. He looked pissed so I decided to stay clear of him. When Brian got back he was mad too.

"What happened?" Kevin asked when AJ was in the car and couldn't hear.

"He is being stubborn..we had a fight about it..and he came storming over here. He won't talk about it!" He said throwing his arms in the air.

"Jesus.." I said getting mad. "Guys..don't let him out of the car..I know he'll try it..I'm gonna talk to him..or at least yell at him." I said then got into the backseat to join AJ.

Chapter 17