Chapter 17

When I stepped into the car AJ looked at me with a scowl. He went to open the door to get out, which Kevin expected and didn't let him get out by blocking the door. Then AJ went to the front and tried there but Brian and Nick were ready for him.

" got me in here..what the hell do you want?" AJ said not looking at me.

"Look at me Alex." I said. He glanced at me then looked back at the back of the front seat.

"Fine..I just wanted to tell you that I love you..and if you weren't being such an ass you would notice that I don't like Nick..we are just friends." I said in a rush. With that said I turned to open the door.

"I love you too." I heard a whisper. I turned to look at AJ and he smiled. I grinned back and flung myself in his arms.

"Its about damn time!!" I heard Nick yell as he looked at us from outside. I stuck my tongue out at him and kissed AJ with all I had. He was suprised at first but deepened the kiss.

" two..we have to get going.." Kevin said as he opened the door. We laughed and I got out of the car and went around to AJ's side.

"I'll call you tomorrow baby." AJ said then kissed me one more time.

"You better." I said then waved to everybody as they left the parking lot. I turned to Charlene.

"He loves me Charlene!!" I said as I jumped up and down in front of my car. She laughed and joined in. I went home that night with a grin on my face thinking about the man I loved.


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