Chapter 3

After I took my shower I walked back into the living room to see Charlene still sleeping. I then walked over to her computer and signed on. I went in a chat room in the 'Friends' room 'Music 101' and said hi to everybody.

Angelgirl: Hey Everybody! What's up?

GarbageC: Hey Angel

BoxGyrl: nuttin

Angelgirl: I'm great. So what ya'll talking bout'?

BoxGyrl: BackStreet Boys

Angelgirl: Oh..

BoxGyrl: You don't like them I take it.

Angelgirl: Not really..

GarbageC: You go Angel..I don't like them either!

Angelgirl: LoL

OnlineHost: BoneDaddy has entered the room.

Angelgirl: Hi Alex

BoneDaddy: Hey Jess..I missed you! =*)

BoxGyrl: Aww..someone has a crush!

BoneDaddy: I'm just messing with her.

Angelgirl: You don't like me? I'm hurt.

GarbageC: I like you Angel.

BoneDaddy: Hey..she is my woman!

Angelgirl: I am YOUR woman? I have talked to you once and now you are saying I am your woman!?

BoxGyrl: Ohhh...fight fight...

BoneDaddy: You mad at me? =*(

Angelgirl: Maybe

Angelgirl: I'm leaving was nice chatting with ya'll!

BoxGyrl: Bye!

GarbageC: Bye babe

I exited out of the room and was about to sign off when an IM popped up.

BoneDaddy: Just gonna leave me like that?

Angelgirl: Maybe

BoneDaddy: That's your favorite word isn't it?

Angelgirl: Maybe..LoL

BoneDaddy: Where do you live?

Angelgirl: Orlando, FL baby!

BoneDaddy: I live here too! what do you say to meeting me?

Angelgirl: I don' think could be some homicidal killer or something..

BoneDaddy: LoL..well..maybe a phone call?

Angelgirl: Maybe.

BoneDaddy: Are you gonna be on tomorrow? wait..lemme guess..Maybe?

Angelgirl: Exactly =)

Angelgirl: I gotta go..Charlene just woke up..bye!

BoneDaddy: Bye Jess.

I signed off just as Charlene was walking up to the computer.

"Lord..Your on again..two times in one day! The world is coming to an end!" She said laughing.

"Ha Ha." I said.

"What do you do on anyways?" She asked me.

"I was in a chat room talking to Alex."

"Ohh..and who is Alex?" She asked getting interested.

"I don't know..just some guy..he IMed me thinking I was know someone with the screen name Bone Daddy?" I asked her

"Don't talk to him! He is an AJ poser and such an Azzhole!" She said.

"No he isn't..he is sweet."

"Whatever...he was to me.." She said getting up. "I am going to bed"

"Nite" I said and then walked to my room.

Chapter 4