Chapter 4

The next day I slept in til 12:00. When I came out of my room I saw Charlene on-line. 'Gawd..she lives on that thing' I thought to myself. I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Jess..Bone Daddy is on right now." She told me.

"That's nice." I replied the went to go brush my teeth.

~On line~

Angelgirl: I heard you talked to Jessica.

BoneDaddy: Yea..

Angelgirl: Still claiming your AJ McLean?

BoneDaddy: It's true! Do you want me to prove it to you?

Angelgirl: And how is that?

BoneDaddy: What's your number?

Angelgirl: Yea..good one..I'm really gonna give you my phone number!

BoneDaddy: OK..well..are you going anywhere? I can call you there.

Angelgirl: and Jess are going out to lunch with some friends..Call The Olive Garden and I'll let you prove it to me.

BoneDaddy: OK..what time?

Charlene said what time and told Jessica she should get ready because they had to leave soon. After I was ready we drove to The Olive Garden and met Megan, Mandi and Danielle there. We all sat down and ordered.

"Miss..are you Charlene Cordero?" A waitor asked.

"Yes..I am." Charlene replied.

"You have a phone call...follow me." They disappeared around the corner.

"Who could be calling her here?" I asked everybody. They all shrugged, then the food arrived. I began to eat when Charlene came back with a huge grin on her face.

"Who was that?" I asked her.

"Oh..just a friend." She replied.

"Uh huh.." Megan said. We all laughed and ate our food.

"I need to talk to you later." Charlene whispered to me. I nodded my head and talked to Danielle.

Chapter 5