Chapter 6

After Charlene's little talk Jessica decided to talk to AJ. She signed on and saw that he was on.

Angelgirl: Hey Alex.

BoneDaddy: Hi

Angelgirl: I guess Charlene told you.

BoneDaddy: Yea.

Angelgirl: Look..I'm sorry..You are the same person now that you were then and I was wrong to think anything different.

Angelgirl: Forgive me?

BoneDaddy: Maybe.

Angelgirl: LoL.

Angelgirl: Before we go any farther how would you feel about meeting person?

BoneDaddy: Really? You wouldn't mind being seen with a BackStreet Boy?

Angelgirl: =Þ No..I wouldn't you'll come??

BoneDaddy: Sure..when and where?

Angelgirl: about Barnes & Noble tomorrow at 2:00?

BoneDaddy: OK..I'll see you there.

Angelgirl: I gotta go now..I need to talk to Charlene..I'll see you tomorrow! =)

BoneDaddy: Til tomorrow my lady.

I smiled as I shut down the computer and couldn't wait til I saw Alex. I headed to Charlene's bedroom only to find her laying on her bed with headphones on and her eyes closed. I walked up to her and took her headphones off and her eyes popped open.

"Hot Damn Jessica..trying to scare me to death!?" She said as she sat up.

"Sorry. But I need to talk to ya." I said.

"I'm listening."

"OK...I thought about what you said and I went on-line and talked to Alex..everything is fine now." I said smiling.

"Good." She said as she went to lay back down.

"But there is one thing..I am meeting him tomorrow." I said softly.

"YOUR WHAT!?" She yelled. "OMG..Jessica..your meeting AJ McLean tomorrow!."

"Yea..I know this.."I said laughing at her suprise.

"What are you going to where?" She asked. I laughed and threw a pillow at her.

Chapter 7