Chapter 8

"I had a nice time Jess..Thanx for meeting me." Alex said as he parked infront of the house Charlene and I shared. I smiled.

"I did too." I said and reached for the car handle to get out. AJ pulled me back and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'll see you again right?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Maybe." I said and hopped out of the car and went inside.

"Charlene I'm home! Are you here?" I yelled into the house.

"Yea..In my room!!" She screamed back. I walked to her room to tell her about AJ but I saw that she was on the phone. I mouthed to her that we would talk later and went to my room to change into a spaghetti strap shirt and some boxers, then went into the living room to watch a little T.V. Because it was Monday I turned to channel to the WB station and began watching Roswell, which just started. I heard the doorbell ring when a commercial came on and ran to get it.

"Hey Alex. Back so soon?" I asked while letting him come in.

"I just couldn't stay away." He said in a girly voice. I laughed and walked back into the living room.

"I came back cuz you left this in my car." He said handing me my bag of books.

"Oh! Thanx! I didn't even notice I had left them I said taking the bag and putting them in a chair. Just then Roswell came back on.

"Oh! Shh! It's back on!!" I squealed and sat down to stare at the screen. I heard AJ laughing but didn't look up in fear that I would miss a good part. It was near the end of the show and I was upset that Max had dumped Liz for the alien girl. Then I saw a bunch of lights in the city going on with scary music in the background.

"What the hell is going on!?" I asked. I saw a man in a car and he seemed to be looking at the lights. He said something like 'It has begun'. Just then AJ busted out laughing. I threw a pillow at him.

"What is so funny?" I asked.

"That was Howie!" He said laughing hard.

"And that would be...?"

"He is in BSB with me! He is like my bestfriend!"

"And he is in Roswell!?" I asked starting to laugh.

"Hey..its good for the group to be seen in a popular TV series!" He said pretending to pout.

" Alex gonna cry?" I asked in a baby voice. He jumped up and tackled me onto the couch and started tickling me until I began to beg him to stop.

" Jesse gonna cry?" He asked sounding like me.

"Shut up!" I said laughing. He got off of me and sat next to me on the couch.

"How about watching a movie?" I asked. "Unless you have to be somewhere?"

"Nope..I'm free." He said smiling.

"Well about..Scream 3?" I said getting the blockbuster bag of movies.

"Havn't seen it yet."

"Good!" I said. I put the movie in the VCR and headed for the kitchen for a drink.

"Want anything?" I asked him.

"Whatever you got." I came back out with two Sprites and sat down in a chair. AJ looked at me.

"Your gonna sit all the way over there during a scary movie..leaving me by myself?" He asked with puppy dog eyes. I laughed and got up to sit next to him.

"Your hopeless." I said and began watching the movie. During the middle of the movie I grew sleepy and leaned against AJ to use him as a pillow. AJ just smiled and put a strand of hair that was in my face behind my ear and watched the rest of the movie.

Chapter 9