Chapter 9

I woke up the next day only to find myself on the couch. I got up and went to Charlene's room. I opened the door to see her asleep on her bed with yesturday's clothes on. I woke her up and told her to get changed so we could go to work. After taking a shower I got dressed and went back into the living room to rewind the tape so I could take it back. I kneeled down on the floor to put the tape into its case and saw a piece of paper next to it. I picked up the paper and read.

Jess, Lata Girly!


"AJ said Hi" I told Charlene as she came out of her room changed.

"Oh.." Charlene said with a huge grin on her face.

"You know you would do him if you could.." I said laughing at her.

"You know it!" She said joking back.

"You know me and him aren't a can try to get with him.." I said getting serious.

"I might just do that." She said then started singing "Lets get it on.." under her breath.

"Come on..gotta go to work." I said going outside.

~A while later at work~

"Hello?" I said picking up my cell phone that started ringing.

"Hey girl! Wazzup?!" I heard AJ say at the other end.

"Hi! nuttin..I'm at work folding about you?"

"I am in the mall trying not to spend too much money!" He said with a laugh.

"Well when your done me and Charlene could use some company here..if ya want." I said trying to get him to come.

"Sure..where ya at?"

" the men's section." I replied.

"OK..I'll be there soon." He said and then said bye.

"Charlene! AJ is coming! Now is your chance!" I squealed running to her.

"Ahhh!" She said jumping up and down.

"There he is! Go for it!" I said pointing to AJ who had just walked into the store. Charlene walked up to AJ while I continued to fold shirts.

"So anything planned for tonight?" Charlene asked in a flirty tone. AJ looked at her and grinned.

Chapter 10