Chapter 11

"So I guess that means we're leaving then. Ok. Let's go, honey." she said.

"Alright. Let's go, baby." Nick replied. they left the mall, driving back to the hotel where their room became even further cramped with all their extra packages.

Brian came into the room at that moment and whistled. "You guys stocking up for an emergency?" he teased, smiling.

"As a matter of fact, we are." Gina replied, coming up to him and giving him a hug.

"If only I could get this reception everywhere I go, I'd die a happy man." he smiled.

"Don't ya dare talk about dying, none of ya." Gina said with a stern look. "We have our whole lives ahead of us. We're young, we're healthy and we're free. Let's all just be thankful for that."

"Aw, hon I was just kiddin'!" Brian said comfortingly, hugging her once more before letting her go. "So where's your Siamese twin?" he asked, looking around for Nick.

She stretched out on the bed she shared with Nick and sighed. "In the bathroom. Where else?" she asked with a goofy grin.

"I dunno, maybe he could have been washing his clothes in the laundry room, the restaurant downstairs, the swimming in the pool or playing in the arcade?" he shrugged, kicking back onto his own bed.

Gina turned on the TV and put it on MTV. Beavis and Butthead was on. "Huh huh huh. Hey Beavis, look I can do a handstand on my fingertips!" Gina exclaimed, perfectly imitating Butthead. Brian roared with laughter.

"Heh heh heh. Butthead, you're such a dork. You really do handstands on your toes." he said, eyes dancing merrily.

Just then Nick came out, heard what Brian had said, and started laughing hysterically. The sound of his laughter startled them, and they turned around to see Nick rolling all over the carpet, almost not being able to breathe he was laughing so hard. Brian laughed and shook his head in mock disappointment.

"Some people never grow older than five years old." he said with a grin, then turned around on his side and started to read his book.

Gina looked quizzically at Brian's turned back before jumping off the bed to haul up her very amused boyfriend. When she had him laying down on the bed, she shook him until he stopped and looked up at her. She had a sweet smile on her face.

"Have a nice time on the floor, honey?" she asked sweetly, eyes dancing.

He grinned. "As a matter of fact I did. Now come and sit beside me. I wanna talk to ya about something serious." he said.

She sat down beside him. "What is it, Nick?" she asked softly.

"It's about the tour. I just wanna tell ya that this tour is gonna be a whirlwind for everyone. There will be millions of hyperventilating teenage girls wherever we go, hounding us down just to touch us. We will have to do hundreds of meet n' greets. It will be very stressful, and it's six months long. I'm just saying that sometimes me or the guys'll be grumpy, and to not take it personally. It's life, and it'll blow over before ya know it." he said, gazing into her warm brown eyes.

Gina looked up at him, and smiled. "I know all that, Nick. Like you said, that's life. But, if you're grumpy with me, I'll know just how to get ya back." she smiled devilishly.

He raised an eyebrow. "And just how will ya go about doing that when I, king of the pranksters know every trick in the book?" he asked, puffing up his chest.

Gina laughed. "That's for me to know, and you to find out blondie." she said before kissing him lightly on the lips and lying down and closing her eyes. Nick kissed her on the forehead and looked over her to see Brian and Leighanne fast asleep. He changed into his pajamas, turned out the light and snuggled in next to Gina who was already asleep. he reached out an arm to encircle her waist and she sighed contentedly, nuzzling back into him.


Next morning, 6am. Tour departure date.

"Well guys, the millennium tour is officially underway!" Howie chirped happily, and sat down on his stool at the kitchenette table, where the guys and Gina were sitting. She wouldn't have her bus until two months later, but she was perfectly content to stay with the boys. She loved four of them like brothers, and the fifth one, a certain tall blond, well...she loved more dearly than her own life. When she would tell him, she didn't know.

"I know, it's so awesome!" Gina exclaimed happily, settling herself in Nick's lap.

By now they all knew that Nick and Gina were dating, and were cool with it. The four loved her like their own baby sister anyways. Nick, however, was another story. He knew that he was falling for her, but was confused about how Gina really felt. He thought that she'd just like it to stay the way it was, like they were two best friends, and they were. But Nick found that he loved Gina to distraction, and was upset that he couldn't figure her out.

They were en route to Canada where they would officially kick off their tour, since the Canadian fans had complained that BSB didn't come there often enough. Also, Gina was getting very popular in Canada. Her first single there had been a ballad called “I Dream I'm Dancing”, and it was wildly popular there.

Chapter 12