Upon their arrival in Canada...
"Oh my god, look at all those girls!" Gina yelled over her shoulder from where she was peeking out the windshield. She had never seen so many screaming hysterical teenage girls in her life. They were surrounding the bus, and were peeking through the windshield, and climbing all over the hood. Gina had crawled to hide directly below the windshield, but now she had no other choice but to stand up and walk further back into the bus, and relax in behind the black curtain that separated the rest of the bus from the immediate front area, where fans couldn't see what went on. She took a deep breath and stood up. Immediately she heard the din of thousands of screaming girls.
She stood in place, frozen in shock. The size of the crowd had doubled, and she could practically feel them staring at her, and it made her uncomfortable. She smiled slightly and waved shakily. One girl with light brown hair to her shoulders and dark brown eyes had climbed up the hood and now was staring Gina straight in the eye. After a few tense moments, the girl smiled and Gina smiled warmly back at her.
The girl pressed a written note to the windshield so she could read it. It said: 'Hey, Gina! My name is Jaime and I'm 15 years old. First of all, I would like to say that you and Nick make the most striking couple I've ever seen. Secondly, your music has inspired me to try and be a better person, and to not give up on the entire male species. You have this total confidence vibe about you that just strikes me as awesome. You are the best female singer out there, and I support you now, and I will always. So gurl, rock on! Jaime.'
Gina's eyes filled with tears and she stared down into Jaime's eyes. She smiled warmly and then she did something she wouldn't normally have done. She motioned Jaime to come over to the door. The girl looked totally in shock, but she went over. Gina opened the door and let Jaime in. She mounted the steps cautiously, and then looked up to see Gina there smiling at her.
"That was a gorgeous letter." she said simply before hugging the girl. Jaime smiled.
"Well, I wrote what I felt, it's what I always do. Man, I can't believe I'm actually in here." she said, looking around. Gina laughed.
"Well at least you're not screaming and jumping around like the others...we were lucky that no fans tried to get in!" she exclaimed laughingly. Jaime looked at her.
"Yeah, no kidding. Those girls are insane. But then again, we're all weird in our own way, so..." the girls laughed in unison.
"So, where are the guys?" Jaime asked curiously.
"Well, let me see. Kevin and Howie are sleeping in their bunks. AJ's dying his hair in the bathroom, Brian's still reading that same darn book that he's been reading for weeks and Nick's playing Nintendo." Gina replied, rolling her eyes and smiling.
Jaime laughed. "Typical, huh?"
"Yeah. Wanna go in the kitchen and talk or something?" Gina asked. Jaime nodded.
"Yah....these girls are slowly making me go deaf here. I'm all for it." she replied with a smile. Gina led Jaime through the black curtain and into the kitchen. They sat down at the table and started talking. They conversed for hours about their childhoods, lives, likes, dislikes, romantic history, etc.
"And so that's why I'm worried. I'm worried that my grandpa won't like him....but if he doesn't, then I don't care. I wanna be with him, and be with him I will, no matter what." Gina said. Jaime patted her hand.
"You love him, don't ya?" she asked softly so as not to wake anyone else. Little did they know that Brian was awake and listening to their conversation outside the door. His ears perked up in interest, and he leaned closer to the doorframe to hear the soft voices better.
Gina sighed heavily. "Yeah....but I dunno about him.....he's never said anything at all to me about the subject, and he leaves me so confused sometimes. Sometimes I wanna reach out to him, but he doesn't love me, so I can't." she said in a strangled voice.
Jaime looked at her. "Maybe I can help you with this situation......I can't imagine how awful it is, never truly knowing your boyfriend's feelings."
Gina smiled wanly. "It's the pits, Jaime. It's so horrible. I love him so much that it hurts coz it might burst forth anytime, but he doesn't love me back...it's all one-sided." she sighed.
Brian gasped when he heard her confession. She loved Nick. His face broke out into a smile, feeling all the joy in the world for his best friend. But suddenly it faded as quickly as it had come. Nick hadn't said anything to her, and she thought that he didn't love her....something was wrong here, very wrong.