Chapter 14

A week later, BSB concert in Toronto

Gina sang her lyrics with a passion rarely seen in a performer. She was just about to begin to sing "I dream I'm dancing" and she felt an empty space in her heart where Nick's love should be. She decided that she'd sing this song for him, and make it obvious that she cared at least more that mutual esteem. She looked right at the camera filming the show and then at the audience.

"Hello Toronto!" she yelled over the din. The fans screamed louder. Gina grinned. "Hey everyone! My name's Gina Quintanilla and tonight I'm gonna do something a little different. First I'm going to have a dedication for my next song and then I'm gonna give you guys a treat you'll never forget! OK?" she asked and smiled happily when the audience shrieked it's affirmation.

"Alright then. This next song is one you may know. It's the first single off my album here and it's called "I dream I'm dancing". Nickers baby, this one's for mean way more than the world to me, and you'll always command the number one place in my heart. Words cannot describe how I feel for you..." she said in a tender voice before embarking into her song. The audience hushed immediately after hearing her dedication...they all knew now just how she felt for this man she loved.

Can you feel it, tell me can you feel it?

Can you feel it, tell me can you feel it?

I believe it's real

It's time to tell you of a secret I keep

How I get with you when the world's asleep

I can't wait for the long day to end

Then I can be back in your arms again

When I close my eyes

You are by my side

And I can picture us together

Every night I pray there will be a way

We can make it last forever

I dream I'm dancing with you

And I can really move

I dream you're kissing me

And I can really feel it

I dream I'm dancing with you

And I can really move

I dream you're kissing me

And I can really feel it

Swear I can really feel it

(Swear I can really feel it)

I don't mind living in a fantasy world

I know how it feels to be your girl

And hear you say the sweetest things soft and low

I never want to wake up and let you go, no.

When I close my eyes

You are by my side

And I can picture us together

Every night I pray there will be a way

We can make it last forever

I dream I'm dancing with you

And I can really move

I dream you're kissing me

And I can really feel it

I dream I'm dancing with you

Until we lose control

I dream you're loving me

With all your heart and soul

Someday soon I'm gonna make this dream come true

I can't deny that I'm so into you

I want you soon that I forget to breathe air

The feeling grows so strong...I believe

Can you feel it, tell me can you feel it?

Can you feel it, tell me can you feel it?

It's real

Every night I pray

I will find a way

To make it last forever

I dream I'm dancing with you

And I can really move

I dream you're kissing me

And I can really feel it

I dream I'm dancing with you

Until we lose control

I dream you're loving me

With all your heart and soul

I dream I'm dancing with you

And I can really move

I dream you're kissing me

And I can really feel it

Until we lose control

I dream you're loving me

With all your heart and soul

Swear I can really feel it

Swear I can really feel it

I dream I'm dancing with you

And I can really move

I dream you're kissing me

And I can really feel it

I dream I'm dancing with you

And I can really move

I dream you're kissing me

And I can really feel it

Swear I can really feel it

(Swear I can really feel it)

The crowd cheered wildly, as tears brimmed and fell freely from Gina's wide eyes. She then started up on her next song, without even blinking.

Meanwhile backstage Nick marveled at that performance. "That was so sweet of her to dedicate that to me. It really is a beautiful song."

Brian kicked Nick in the shin. "You idiot! This had been going on for far too long now and I've frankly had enough! That girl all but shouted out to the rafters that she loves you, and you sit here thinking about the damned song! Nick stop being so blind and open your eyes! For the past month Gina has been treating you like a god and you didn't even blink an eye. It was obvious to us even before we left for the tour that she loves you." Brian said exasperatedly, finally becoming fed up with Nick's mild attitude.

Nick's eyes grew wide with shock. "No way a girl as wonderful as her could ever love me! I'm not worthy of anyone's love, let alone her's. But damnit Bri I've loved her since the first moment I laid eyes on her. I thought I'd keep it to myself though lest she take off and run leaving me behind like all the others did. And damn, how can a girl who's lost so much and who deserves so much better love a schmuck like me?" he asked confusedly.

Brian's head snapped up. "You thought you weren't worth her love? Oh god, little buddy. She's not Mandy...not even close! Mandy never treated you ever a fraction as well as Gina treats you. Give the poor girl a chance, buddy...ya never know what you'll find if ya look deep enough." Brian counseled his friend, hoping beyond hope that it wasn't too late for the pair to admit their love to each other.


Back on stage, Gina had finished her last song. Now she looked up, a sad smile on her face. "Okay, everyone! Here comes the treat I've been saving for you all! One of the boys is gonna do a very special duet with me. I didn't write it, but it definitely hits home with me. It's about a lonely girl calling out to her deceased beloved in heaven, and he comes back to comfort her. If only that could really happen." she smiled bitterly "But it doesn't. I dedicate this song to my mother Selena and my father Chris' love. May it last forever into eternity." she said softly.


Backstage Nick needed no prompting from his band mates to hastily take the stage as he heard the beginning notes of the duet he and Gina had picked start to play. Gina was heartily surprised to see her beloved take the stage, but she sent a smile so radiant his way that he went over to her and embraced her much to the cheers and cat calls of the crowd. "We need to talk later," he said softly. She nodded mutely, the smile still on her face.

(Gina) Oh, mmm, mmm

There are times

I swear I know you’re here

When I forget about my fears

Feeling you my dear

Watchin over me

And my hope seeks

What the future will bring

When you wrap me in your wings

And take me

Where you are

Where you and I will breathe together

Once again

We’ll be dancing in the moonlight

Just like we used to do

And you’ll be smilin' back at me

Only then will I be free

When I can be

Where you are

(Nick) And I can see your face

Your kiss I still can taste

Not a memory erased

(G) Oh, I see your star

Shining down on me

And I’d do anything

(G/N) If I could just

Be right there…

Where you are

Where you and I will breathe together

Once again

We’ll be dancing in the moonlight

Just like we used to do

And you’ll be smilin back at me

Only then will I be free

(G) Then I will be free

So take me where you are

(N) Now baby there were times when selfishly

I’m wishing that you are here with me

So I can wipe the tears away from your eyes

And make you see

That every night while you are dreamin’

I’m here to guard you from a far

(G/N) And anytime I feel alone

I close my eyes and just be there…

Where you are

Where you and I can breathe together

(N) (and we will breathe together baby)

Once again

(G) (oh, we’ll be dancing in the moonlight)

We’ll be dancin in the moonlight

Just like we used to be

(and you’ll be smilin back at me)

And you’ll be smilin back at me

(N) (only then will I be free)

Then I will be free

(G) Baby I still believe

Oh I’ve got to believe

(G/N) I will touch you that sweet day

That you take me there

(G) Where you are

I still believe

(N) Oh I’ve got to believe

(G) I will touch you that sweet day

That you take me there

(N) Where you are

Oh where you are

(G) I’ve got to believe

(N) I’ll always be waiting here

(G) That sweet day yeah

(N) Only wanna be where you are

I still believe

At the end, tears were pouring down both their faces as they both thought of how devastating it would be to lose the other. Many girls in the audience were crying also. In a whirlwind of emotion and spurred from a need to comfort his crying love, Nick kissed her, and this time it was not tender but passionate. He took Gina by surprise for a few moments and then she gave into him willingly, kissing him back. The crowd cheered wildly...not one single 'boo' was heard. After they pulled away, breathless, and heedless of the thousands of eyes watching them, Nick buried his face in her hair and murmured "I love you, Gina. I always have, I always will."

Chapter 15