Chapter 5

"Hey Bri, where's lil Nicky?" AJ asked, reclining on the sofa.

Brian grinned. "You just missed him. He left with Gina to go to the studio and help her start recording her album."

"He left with her? Oh man is he ever lucky." AJ said, pretending to bang his head against the wall.

"Yep. I think they're doing a duet together, too." Brian said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Hey! What about the duet with the five of us and Gina?" Kevin asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, we're all still on for it, but Ginny wanted to do ah… uh… personal duet with Nick, that's all." Brian said, trying to calm down his excited cousin.

"Oooooh! I think little miss Gina has the hots for our Nicky boy." Howie said. "What do you guys think?" The three of them began to cheer, whistle and cat call very loudly.

"KNOCK IT OFF, ALL OF YOU!" Brian yelled at the top of his lungs. The three immediately shut their mouths and sat down. They hadn't seen Brian like this for a long time.

"Leave Nick's private business alone. If he starts dating Gina, that's their business, not ours. I personally think they'd make a great couple, and I might have gone for her myself if I hadn't been dating Leighanne. But I think she's way more Nick's type, anyway. So just quit it, and leave the two alone. Lord knows they've both been through enough in recent years." Brian said hotly, turned around and went into the bathroom with his clothes so he could get ready. The guys just sat there in silence the whole time, thinking how right their friend was.


"Alright, Gina. We have several possible duets here to choose from, and you can pick any of them. They were all written especially for you." The executive said, giving her a small pile of songs that had recently been written for her.

She looked them over critically. She tried to find one that would accommodate both her and Nick's vocal ranges, and one with good lyrics. She brightened as she looked at one called "Where You Are". It called for two partners with both her and Nick's vocal ranges, and the words were amazing.

"What do you think, babe?" she asked Nick as she handed him the paper. Nick's brow furrowed as he looked over the words, then brightened. The words just wove a tale about a girl who was mourning her lost love and he came back from heaven to comfort her.

"That's it!" Nick said happily. "We've got our song."

Gina looked back at the executive, Mr. Palmer. "We'll take this one, Mr. Palmer."

"Excellent choice! Although I thought it the least likely one you'd pick, I personally like that one the best. Now, for the other songs. Will you choose the tracks today?"

"I might as well seeing as I'm here." Gina replied happily.

In the end, she ended up picking out several amazing songs, surprising Mr. Palmer every time. She would of course sing "Dreaming of you", along with several others like "Because We Want To”, "From This Moment On", "I Dream I'm Dancing" and a whole bunch more. Nick was really impressed with the songs she picked.

"Alright, now you two. Let's record your duet first. Then Gina will do five more today, and the rest will be done randomly over the week. You'll be one busy girl, Gina. We have photo shoots arranged for you on Thursday and Friday where you won't be recording so much and several magazines want to interview you on Saturday. Who's your management?"

"The Firm, just like BSB." Gina replied.

"Great! Well then you two, let's get recording!" Mr. Palmer exclaimed, ecstatic.

Nick and Gina went into the little cubicle and put on the headphones. Just as they were about to start, a guy with long black hair in a ponytail walked in. He talked with Mr. Palmer a few minutes.

"Is there a Gina Quintanilla here?" the guy asked.

"Yes, but she's about to record a song." Mr. Palmer said tartly.

"Please, I'm her...well I'm her dead mother's husband." he replied.

"You're Chris Perez?" Mr. Palmer asked.

"Yes. Can I see her for a minute?" Chris asked pleadingly.

"She's right in there with that Backstreet Boy. They're recording a duet in a few, so don't be long."

Chris looked through the glass and his jaw dropped. There was a girl who looked exactly like Selena, laughing at something a tall blond guy was saying. He had to rub his eyes and look again. the resemblance was uncanny, but Gina was far more beautiful than her mother. She looked delicate, even if she was tall, but that delicate look was a cover for the strength that was within her. He just stood there and watched her interact with the blond guy.

"You're not going in? Alright, then we'll start recording." Mr. Palmer said.

"Nick! Gina! Get ready!" Mr. Palmer shouted into the microphone and both young people clapped their hands over their ears and gave Palmer a thumbs up sign. Chris watched as the two became serious and got down to business. The opening tune started to play, and the pair started to sing.

(Gina) “Oh, mmm, mmm

There are times

I swear I know you’re here

When I forget about my fears

Feeling you my dear

Watchin’ over me

And my hope seeks

What the future will bring

When you wrap me in your wings

And take me to

Where you are

Where you and I will breathe together

Once again

We’ll be dancing in the moonlight

Just like we used to do

And you’ll be smilin' back at me

Only then will I be free

When I can be

Where you are

(Nick) And I can see your face

Your kiss I still can taste

Not a memory erased

(G) Oh, I see your star

Shining down on me

And I’d do anything

(G/N) If I could just

Be right there…

Where you are

Where you and I will breathe together

Once again

We’ll be dancing in the moonlight

Just like we used to do

And you’ll be smilin' back at me

Only then will I be free

(G) Then I will be free

So take me where you are

(N) Now baby there were times when selfishly

I’m wishing that you are here with me

So I can wipe the tears away from your eyes

And make you see

That every night while you are dreamin'

I’m here to guard you from a far

(G/N) And anytime I feel alone

I close my eyes and just be there…

Where you are

Where you and I can breathe together

(N) (and we will breathe together baby)

Once again

(G) (oh, we’ll be dancing in the moonlight

We’ll be dancin' in the moonlight

Just like we used to be

(and you’ll be smilin' back at me)

And you’ll be smilin' back at me

(N) (only then will I be free)

Then I will be free

(G) Baby I still believe

Oh I’ve got to believe

(G/N) I will touch you that sweet day

That you take me there

(G) Where you are

I still believe

(N) Oh I’ve got to believe

(G) I will touch you that sweet day

That you take me there

(N) Where you are

Oh where you are

(G) I’ve got to believe

(N) I’ll always be waiting here

(G) That sweet day yeah

(N) Only wanna be where you are

I still believe…”

Chris blinked when the song was over. Gina's voice was way better than Selena's had been, and with that Nick guy, well...they sounded absolutely perfect together.

"That was great! No retakes, you two!" Palmer exclaimed, smiling broadly.

Nick and Gina smiled fondly at each other, and Nick kissed her lightly on the cheek before taking off his headset and going to stand in front of the glass. He noticed Chris, and got protective of Gina.

"She's good, isn't she?" he asked casually, sounding proud.

Chris looked at him. "Yes, very good in fact. Better than her mother even."

Nick's gaze sharpened. "What do you know about Ginny's mother?"

"I was married to Selena before she died. I was Gina's mother's husband." he replied, looking Nick up and down.

"Then we have something in common." Nick said.

"What?" Chris asked.

"I'm dating Gina. She's a great girl to be with and I like her a lot. She's doing a lot of work this week, and we're all leaving for our tour next Wednesday." Nick replied, eyes shining.

"Wow. Well then, I'm Chris Perez. Nice to meet you." he said, shaking Nick's hand.

"Nick Carter, nice to meet you, too. But I wanna watch now, though." he said, turning his gaze back to the studio room.

Chapter 6