After the photo shoot, the reporter came over to interview Gina. She was a short blond with a friendly smile.
"Hello." Gina smiled, shaking her hand.
"So, how are you handling this sudden leap to fame?" she asked Gina.
"I actually went to the record offices on my own volition. All the stuff I have done this week has been a little overwhelming for me, but all in all, I love it. It's just such a great feeling knowing that I can fulfill my mother's dream." she replied.
The reporter scribbled down her answer. "Who is your mother, Gina?"
"My mother was Selena. Her fans called her la reina de la musica tejana. I only wish that she hadn't been killed and that I could have had a normal and happy childhood because I became an adult at twelve years old, and I wish it could have turned out differently."
"I'm so sorry about that. But moving on, you're going on tour with the Backstreet Boys. Are you excited?"
Gina grinned. "Oh yeah, am I ever. They are such sweet guys. But, AJ and Brian are a bit on the crazy side."
"Who is your favorite Backstreet Boy?" the reporter asked.
"I like Nick the best. He's the sweetest guy, and I like him a lot." Gina laughed.
"Are you currently dating a guy?"
"Yes! I'm dating Nick Carter. He's been so supportive all through the week, driving me around everywhere and I can never thank him enough for it."
"You're dating THE Nick Carter?" the reporter asked in disbelief.
Gina laughed. "Yes. Hard to believe, isn't it? We actually met in the recording studio and he asked me out one night on the beach. It's been amazing."
"What's he like as a boyfriend?"
"Well I know you mentioned him before as THE Nick Carter. I wouldn't wanna date an icon, an image. This is a flesh and blood guy, and he has as many faults as I do. I mean he does leave stinky socks around, and be belches and farts and the whole rest. But I like him because he can be so normal in a world of glitz and glamour. He acts just like the guys I knew in high school, except he's sweeter and I sense a long-term relationship here between us. He's hilarious, sweet, even tempered, and I love his personality. He surprises me every day and I love that about him. As for what he's like as a boyfriend, he's always there for me, takes it slow, never leaves my side and just plain treats me good." Gina finished, wiping an arm across her forehead.
"Wow. So what do you think of all those thousands of fans who hound him day and night?" the reporter asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't really mind them at all, actually. They just love his music, and his pretty looks, but I know he'd never cheat on me, so I don't care what they do, as long as they don't hurt him. Actually, it takes a rare kind of person to be able to put up with him. These girls think they'll marry him, but if they knew him the way I do, most of them would be running away from him instead of after him." Gina said with a lopsided grin.
The reporter laughed. "So, who are your influences musically?"
"Mine are quite different than most. Mine are Selena (my mom), Gloria Estefan, Jennifer Lopez and Paula Abdul."
"Favorite color?"
"Uh... toughie. I'd say dark green." Gina replied.
"Fave book?"
"Definitely The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley."
"Favorite school subject?"
Gina grimaced. "English."
"What is your new single's title and when will it be released?"
"It's called "Because We Want To" and it'll be released on Monday. The video won't be able to be shot until when I have a break during the tour."
"Alright, we're done. Now for the couple interview." the reporter said, smiling at Gina.
Nick came over and sat down beside Gina, putting an arm around her waist.
"So you two are dating, correct?" the reporter asked.
Nick smiled happily and nodded. "Yeah. I guess it's kinda obvious by now, though."
The reporter smiled at the pair. "So, what was the initial thought each of you had upon first seeing the other?"
"I thought wow, there's a hot girl. I thought she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and she still is. But I've since grown to appreciate her awesome and unpredictable personality over her looks. Any girl can be gorgeous, but it's only the rare ones that are gorgeous inside."
"Me, unpredictable?" Gina scoffed. "I thought he looked pretty lonely when I first saw him. When I came closer and I looked into his eyes, I thought I'd drown in them. I thought he looked like a nice guy and I thought to myself "he'd make just the perfect boyfriend" but I never thought he'd go for me, coz I was a tad insecure, but he did, much to my surprise and delight. And I also love his personality, he's just so big hearted and sweet, but he has a wild side, too that he hasn't shown me yet, but I know it's there."
"That's right! I'm da par-tay animal!" Nick exclaimed, getting up and dancing around the room, while Gina and the reporter laughed. Nick sat back down and awaited the next question.
"What gets on your nerves about the other?"
"Just that he leaves the seat up when he goes." Gina giggled.
"She leaves her makeup everywhere." Nick laughed.
"How would you feel if you ever found out the other was cheating on you?"
"I'd be crushed. I don't know how I'd get through it, but I'd definitely be down waist deep in a major bout of depression. Let's just leave it at that." Gina said quietly. Nick tightened his grip on her waist and hugged her to him.
"I wouldn't know left from right. She's my everything, and I'd be a real wreck if that ever happened, but it isn't likely to happen, so let's just forget about that." Nick said in a hard voice.
"What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for each other?"
"I actually got the record executive to consent for me and him to do a duet, and it'll be like my second or third single." Gina smiled.
"I held her when her dreams were bad." Nick replied.
"OK, we're done here. Would you two take some pics together after she's done? It'd be perfect. And oh, don't bother changing clothes. You both look great."
Nick and Gina nodded, heading to where the photographer had set up the spots. She took several headshots of Gina, plus some miscellaneous ones of her walking down the beach, smelling a rose, etc. Nick also took several pictures with her, and the photographer convinced them to get into swimsuits and play around in the water.
"Well, I didn't mind having to change into that swimsuit and play around with ya. It was fun." Gina remarked as they were on their way home.
Nick smiled at her. "Neither did I. though I still can't figure out why you dunked me."
Gina laughed. "That was my revenge on you for throwing me into the water."
"Oh well. Ya wanna go out or something?" he asked, looking sideways at her for an instant.