Writers Of Backstreet Writers United


If there is a spot on here you would like but is already taken please e-mail me and let me know of the spot that you would like and just ask to be put on the waiting list for that spot, and if anyone drops out of the spot i will e-mail you and let you know and you will have first pick depending how how high you are on the waiting list but you will get first pick over the people that aren't on the waiting list.

farfle16@twcny.rr.com -Webmaster, and writes as well.

luv_bsb_kev@hotmail.com -Kevin Writer

kevissexonlegs@libero.it -Kevin Writer

Clarinetfhs08@hotmail.com -Kevin Writer

SweetJenji@aol.com -Brian Writer

bluebook@backstreetboys.com -Brian Writer

Caiboo@aol.com -Brian Writer

Lelu2214@aol.com -AJ Writer

BabyLove31013@aol.com -AJ Writer

icefluet@yahoo.com -Nick Writer

broksbabe2000@hotmail.com -Nick Writer

spitfire_damsel@hotmail.com -Nick Writer

Howiesgurl4eva@aol.com -Howie Writer

lpbj_ty@dca.net -Howie Writer

Colibri1999@yahoo.com -Howie Writer