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Those Baby Blues...and that smile!!

Ok, so these 2 pictures were taken YEARS apart...does anyone notice a difference?? hee hee "undies" shot!! Who'd have thought??!

::sigh:: looks like he's contemplating the meaning of the universe...and lookin' mighty fine doing it!!

"Raise your hands..Raise your hands if you're sure"...sure that this boy is a cutie-patootie!!

Ok, is it just me or did he have a fascination with his tummy??!

Nice face, Mr. Littrell...and exactly how many layers of clothing do you have on??!

He sorta looks like a little boy waiting to go visit the doctor or dentist, doesn't he??

"!" Yes, you Brian, you are the Co-Winner of Teen People's Most Beautiful under 25!! But you will always be our don't have to share the title here..hee hee

So, yeah, the Asian thing is in...but I'm thinkin' chopsticks in your hair might not be a wise fashion statement! Especially if worn like this!!

Soulful Singer...extremely talented...and such a sweetie!!

Awwe...the "boy next-door" look...wish I had a next-door-neighbor that looked like this!!!!

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