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The Fashion Police is on the mission is to identify and terminate any fashion victims... Targets: Backstreet Boys

Rating: Fashion Victims





Rating: Fashion Victims

Ugh, there isn't much to say about these poor victims...they were unknowingly placed in these horrible outfits to no doubt appease the "golf club" bunch...but what scares me is how happy they appear to be, possibly with the exception of AJ, he's looking a tad bit cynical...






Rating: Fashion Victors (with the exception of AJ)



Rating: Fashion Victors (with exceptions)

Ok, who thought it would be a good idea to dress them alike?! Frick and Frack are sporting similar outfits (what a shock)...however Nick is definitely outshining his twin with the slicked hair and tie. Brian should not have parted his hair, he looks 12 years old. Howie and Kevin are wearing studded jackets...that's just wrong...but they look good wearing them so it's acceptable. ::squinting:: Oh the Glare!! AJ was definitely shining that night (literally)...the suit is fine...but I'm not digging the top-hat...



Rating: Fashion Victors

Boys in velvet...I know it may sound a little absurd however only a few men can make it look this good! Each "boy" is donning a velvet jacket and the look is very stylish...although it does appear that AJ is wearing a number of layers of clothing and sporting some gloves...was it freezing?! or just another bold fashion statement?!



Rating: Fashion Victors




Rating: Fashion Victors

1998 MTV Music Video Awards...what a night! These boys definitely kicked some major bootie both on stage and the red-carpet! They are all looking particularly gorgeous this time around, even AJ and his blue hair! Definite THUMBS UP!



Rating: Fashion Victors

Awwwwww, the boys as we know em...comfy yet gorgeous. However, I do have to add that I just want to run up to Nick and mess up his hair a little bit, if his hair's gonna be short it at least has to be spikey! And Kevvy...oh Kevin Richardson what are you doing??! Cut the hair babe...





Rating: Fashion Victims

Whoah!!! What in heaven's name has happened to these guys??! Alright, I understand that you have to sacrifice certain things to make a good video...but there is such a thing as going TOO FAR!! Nick and Howie could poke someone's eye out with that hair...AJ is giving Gilligan a run for his money...Brian is wearing a "cornball lookin' outfit" and Kevin...well, he's just Kevin, even in orange and yellow he looks good...





Rating: Fashion Victims

Shiny, Happy People...there's no doubt about it, the boys LOOK good! Too bad they're wearing those disco-ball lookin shirts!!! Definitely some European influence here...




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