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San Diego!! By now you may have had a chance to stroll through my pictures...and if you haven't...SHAME ON YOU!! LOL!! But anyway...these pictures were taken by my good friend Judy, who recently converted into a BSB Fanatic just like us!! =)

Her pictures are very clear because she was fortunate enough to smuggle, ahem, I mean bring in a digital camera...some pictures were lost...but these were saved...Thank Goodness!!!!

Nick in the spotlight...this picture is breathtaking. Well, except for that rather distracting white bandana in the corner...LOL!

Ooh! The spotlight's on all of them now!!! Howie, Nick, Brian, AJ and finally Kevin...

Isn't this picture amazing??! YOU ROCK JUDY!!!

The INFAMOUS picture...AJ wearing...well, let's say an interesting hat!!

This is when the pictures get interesting...

Beautiful...these boys are just darn beautiful...

I'm assuming that Nick or AJ is singing, cuz these boys look a little preoccupied with their surroundings...

And they're off!! Racing to their positions...and singing while they do it! =)

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