The Power Lord...
Kevin appears to be listening attentatively to someone during rehearsals for the tour, "Now here's a confetti cannon...don't stand here, k?"
Oh My!! That "soul-searching" gaze...it could make anyone weak in the knees!!
"Show Me The Meaning..." was a very personal video for Kevin, his father was referenced during his scenes.
Ok, so he looks a little Jaundice (spelling?) in this picture...anyone care to be his nurse?!
Alright...yes, he has thick eyebrows...but they're part of his features!
Steel was a good element for him...but, steel isn't an element...but that's ok!!
Won't the real Kevin Richardson please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up?
::sigh:: what do you say about this??! A few things come to mind...hey, use your own imagination! ;-)
This color is amazing on him...not to mention that the shirt is a PERFECT fit!!!
::squint:: All you people can't you see..can't you see.. I'm burning in this desert won't you please save me!
Possibly pluggin away at a new song for us to hear?! I hope so!!!
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