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You may find yourself asking "why are there only a few pictures here?". I'll tell ya =) When I left for Orlando I didn't have a ticket to the Orlando show...but a friend of mine was able to get a ticket through Pollyanna for me. I ended up sitting with a bunch of Howie's "people" I guess...they all had backstage passes. Man, must've been nice!!! But lemme tell you...when I signed for my ticket at will call I wanted to run away with the envelope that I had to sign...because it said "GUEST OF HD"!!!! Man, if only she didn't have my drivers license and credit card...LOL!!! Well, enjoy these pics...if you can, they're poor quality...don't know what happend =/

That wee-speck on the picture (towards buttom...heehee) is KRYStAL. That girl's just so darn amazing!!! Be sure to pick up her album, "Me and My Piano" on July 10th!!!

Through the darkness you may be able to make out Kevin...yep, that's him...

Oops...i just realized that my dat is completely wrong...LMAO!!!! Instead of 6/8/01 it's 8/1/06...heehee

This is when they completely surprised the audience with some "oldies but goodies" was a BLAST to hear them perform these songs again!!!!

Brian: "It's been so long since I sang these words that I need to hear you to sing along"...heehee ;-)

Well, again with the screen shots...cuz that was the only way I could get decent pictures. Now, since I was sitting with Howie's "people" I didn't feel right having a camera and taking pictures every 10 I actually sat through the entire show and had a BLAST!!!

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