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Picture of the Week Archives!!!


"Right about now it's time for you to listen up...I'm gonna introduce you to the drummer for us...He goes by the name of give it up one time for Hubba-Bubba Bryant! your sister!" - MC 'D'

Thanks to Sherry for sharing her pic!


What are they doing to poor Howie??! And exactly what is Kevin doin'?! Frick, are you enjoying this picture?? heehee

Thanks to Kim(TecGrl) for sharing her pic!


Nice smile, Mr. Carter! Ummm...can we say Kool-Aid smile??!?!? But wait, he's drinkin Slice...what's the sugar content in Slice again??! He seems a little "amped".


ACK!!! Someone help them!! They've been taken captive by some alien life-forms (maybe they followed Howie home from Roswell) and the aliens have NO TASTE whatsoever!! Howie and Nick could kill someone with their hair! And Brian in his "cornball lookin' outfit"...AJ's givin Gilligan a run for his money...and Kevvy...well, nothin much out of the ordinary there except the orange shirt and yellow pants...


Careful!! You could put an eye out with that!! Here, Mr. AJ McLean is demonstrating how NOT to put a pair of sunglasses on...

8/6/00 many times have you asked for these guys to be cloned??! Cuz on this pic there are 2 of Howie, Nick, Kevin and Brian...poor AJ fans, there's still only one...heehee


How many Backstreet Boys can you fit in a tight space?! Well, obviously 5...but the only 2 who seem relatively happy about it are Brian and Howie...the others looked disturbed! LOL!!


We Want It Our Way! Is it just me, or are you guys having a hard time keeping the calorie count low with all the trips to BK?!

September 28, 2000

Ok, so is this how they look when fans are trying to get them?!? "All You People Can't You See, Can't You See?"

November 3, 2000

It's "Tic Tac Toe"...hmmm, I especially like the "Nick, Brian, Howie" combination...heehee

November 19, 2000

3 days and counting til we get our hands on Black and Blue!!! Here's the track list:

The Call :: Shape of My Heart :: Get Another Boyfriend :: Shining Star :: I Promise You (With Everything I Am) :: The Answer to Our Life :: Everyone (note: fan appreciation song) :: More Than That :: Time (note: fan appreciation song) :: Not For Me :: Yes I Will :: How Did I Fall In Love With You?

There is a version of B&B that is sold in Japan that contains the following songs in addition to those listed above:

What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful) :: All I Have To Give (A Capella version) - released in the states on the Burger King CDs.

So go out and BUY BUY BUY!!! heehee, get it?? BUY BUY BUY!!!

December 26, 2000

This is a wonderful pic...ok, so I have it in the Teen People section...but I just LOVE the way the guys look!!!!! Alright, maybe Brian's hair shouldn't be combed to the side but he still looks like a cutie!!! And Nick's hair...WOW!!! And Thank Goodness Howie pulled his hair back! YAY!!

January 13, 2001

Ok, so I had to do it...this poster is by of the most meaningful posessions that I have right now!!! We 4, (right to left) Heather, Kelly, Amanda and myself, own 4 pieces of "The Call"!!!!!

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