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WOOHOO!! Oh a little excited...heehee ;-)

Is it just me or did Nick completely floor you with his passion for singing and entertaining??! He was simply amazing...definitely deserves a merit badge =D

"You fire"

::looking around:: OMG what song is this again?! Is it Show Me The Meaning?? YIKES! It's only been a few weeks and I already forgot... ::sigh:: I'm getting too old... =P

I think this is Show Me The Meaning...Howie's singing...must be his part...

It's the Kevin and AJ show!!!!

"Would you like to come inside?"

This thing cracked me up!!! Sure it was pre-recorded...but it was hilarious!!!

::sigh:: Howie in a "wife-beater" and Kevin's in the way...darn you Kevin!!

AJ's probably thinkin Brian was bein a nice guy by helping him with his shirt...but what happened afterward?

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