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Doesn't it look like Nick just took a huge breath??! LMAO!!!

Making their way towards their usual spot on the platform...

Hmmm...Nick looks little lost and confused...

Perhaps it's because Nick and AJ somehow traded spots??! The 3 shows previous AJ was in the spot facing us...I think Nick even realized it and tried to get AJ's attention...the look on AJ's face is classic...LOL!

It's like he's seeing things from a whole new perspective...

Now he seems to be happy with where he's sitting...

Maybe he's rethinking it...

Well, maybe he feels ok because Brian is right behind least Frick and Frack are together...

Uh oh...looks like Brian's sayin goodbye and moving on...what's Nick gonna do??!

Well, it looks like he's gonna get up too...LMAO!!!

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