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Who's number 1??! That's right...Howie...oops, I mean...Backstreet Boys!! ;-)

::sigh:: again...I wanna complain about the co-workers...LOL!!!

::Raise your hands...raise your hands if you're sure:: Sure that Howie's a sweetie!!

I have to admit though...the pictures that turned out...well, they turned out ok... ::sniff sniff:: only if I had the flash turned on the whole time!!! Can you tell I'm not going to drop this issue? heehee

"Backstreet's Back...Alright!" 2 favorite Backstreet Boys...I was so glad to see these 2 standing next to eachother for a good part of the 2 birds with 1 stone, so to speak! =)

::sigh:: another GREAT outfit for Kevin...

AJ's tryin to fly away...again

YAY!! It's the poster that I own!! Well, this picture is from "The Call" while parts of it played during their change into the robes...and of course I was jumping up and down because I own one of those "posters"!!!

The dance moves were wonderfully choreographed...this tour was amazing!!

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