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Now, you will notice quite a few pictures like this...with the "rear" I hear any complaints?! he declaring himself "King" of the stage??! heehee ;-)

::WARNING:: This begins another string of Howie pictures during "More Than That"...something about those Latin moves that just drives me nuts...

I literally ran to the aisle to take these way was I going to let a Staples Employee tell me what to do...LOL!!

I love watching their expressions while they sing...fortunately, in these seats we were so close to them that we were actually able to see very clearly!!

Nick sings with such passion during this song...something tells m that there's something about this song that prompts him to sing from his heart...even moreso than usual...

Again...just look at Nick! Amazing emotion...or incredibly good acting...LOL!

Ooh, look...I caught a bit of Brian!!

Ok, I was over-excited when Howie turned our way...I could have taken a billion pictures...but I couldn't get myself to raise the camera to my eyes to push the button!! Mesmorized by Howie and Nick...LOL!!

OOOH!! He's lookin like he's thinking "come get me"...LOL!! Me first!! =P

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