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See?! There goes "rocker" Nick, wailing on that guitar!! All 4 times I saw him throw the guitar backstage I was so afraid the guy wasn't going to catch it!!

I think long coats add sooo much when they dance...and Nick really knows how to work a coat!!!

Uh-oh...AJ's got a phone call...wonder what song could be next??!

Wow, that was a big gap between the beginning and the middle of the song...LOL!! Probably got too caught up in the song to take pictures...either that or I was running out of film...

What is with Howie and this lineup?! He's either far away from Brian or he's turned the other way completely...LOL!!

Ooh, they shed the baggy, choir this is much better!

ummm, ok, the first thing I noticed in this picture is that Nick sorta needs to pull up his pants...LOL!!

AH, the reappearance of the Lakers jerseys...again, not a Lakers fan...but hey, if they wanna wear them, that's cool.


But I like this oen better...looks like he's lookin right into the camera... ::sigh:: wishful thinking...

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