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Don't pay any attention to the date...I didn't take the date of the picture... ::sigh:: wasn't all too together this day...

"More Than That"...looks like someone turned out the lights!

Ah, they turned them back on again ;-)

ROFLMAO!!! This is TOO HILARIOUS!!!! I absolutely LOVE this skit... "The Old Backstreet Boys" in the year 2050...OMG HILARIOUS!!!!

I really love these outfits...much better than the other ones. Only problem...they're dark, meaning they DO NOT photo well!! =(

It was amazing to see them perform up close again...I really missed these guys!! LOL!!

In case you're wondering...they're singing "Show Me The Meaning"...I think

Too bad Brian and Nick are on the opposite side...but heck, I should be happy! Howie's right there in the center...

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