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This is one of Marvin the Martian's "henchmen"...they don't have names that I know of, all I know is that they are created when you add water...

And this is Marvin the Martian!! I love drawing him...maybe it's because he's just so darn easy, there's not much to him...

Backstreet Boys Attempts...

Ok, so this is supposed to be Nick. He's doing this little dance move thing...

With all the Frick and Frack pictures you had to have known that I would HAVE to draw one...and this is it, my best attempt at Brian and Nick...looks like Nick was in mid-sentence when the picture was I had to draw it exactly like this...

The thing I love most about drawing Nick is his hair...I have SUCH FUN drawing his hair...

I had a lot of fun drawing this picture of Kevin...his face has such chiseled features it was almost too easy to draw the outline...but the shading proved to be pretty tough...but then when I drew his body I felt a little better about the whole thing...

This is my best attempt at AJ. I tried my best to get the attitude that was noticeable on the actual photograph...this was actually my very first drawing of a Backstreet Boy and made me try the others. I haven't been able to draw Howie yet...but soon, hopefully.

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