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The Boys Vs. The Bucs!

The boys raised a lot of money for charity down there, in fact Nick gave $20,000 out of the Nick Carter Foundation! What a heart!! Oh...and by the way...the Boys kicked some Bucs' bootay!!


Go B-Rok...get busy! If any of you were fortunate enough to see portions of the game you guys would know that Brian's got some skills on the court! He was a definite asset to the team with his 3 point shots...always watch out for the little guys...they're always the best shooters!







Go Speed Racer...Go Speed Racer...Go Speed Racer Go!! Here comes Brian Littrell, charging down the lane for a 2 point lay-up...IT'S GOOD!!!






And here we have Nick "Duck Lips" Carter setting up for a foul shot...poor "Duck Lips" was denied a few shots...and he had the misfortune of barrelling into Warren "The Wall" Sapp...and ::boom:: "Duck Lips" Carter hit the floor...but don't worry, everything turned out ok...





Nick did really well at this game...but the best part of the whole event was when he graciously reached into his own foundation and contributed a whopping $20,000!!! It's refreshing to see that these boys remain true to their values amidst all the fame and fortune... Congratulations Nick, Brian and all the rest of the Boys Vs. The Bucs Charity Basketball Game players for a job well done!!




When's Tee-time anyway?!

I've always thought of golf as a boring sport...well, depends on if Tiger's playing or not...but I couldn't imagine a more exciting round of golf than with these 5 guys!! Meet ya at the 19th Hole!! heehee


Golf is a game of skill, precision, and concentration...but who could concentrate with these guys playin 18 holes??! You guys need a caddy??






The crowd falls silent as Mr. Littrell takes his swing ::whoosh:: alright, not to fear, it's ok if the divet flies further than the ball.... (just playin..heehee)








AJ McLean looks as if he's either just made his shot and hoping that it goes in or he's sizing up his shot to see if he can make it under par...wonder how he did??! By the way...lovin the glasses, Bone!!





Nick is getting ready to drive a ball down the fairway...well, either that or he's seeing how tall he is by measuring himself with the club...

Nick: how many clubs does it take to measure me? Would ya say 2?

Caddy: yeah, definitely 2...






Meanwhile, Howie is making his attempt for par (at least we hope it's for par!) I wonder if he made it?! Howie sorta looks a little serious, but Kevin (squatting in the background) seems to be rooting him on...let's hope he made the shot!!






I wonder if Nick's "measuring game" caught up with Kevin?

Kevin: hmmmm...if it takes Nick 2 drivers then it should be like 2 and a half putters for me...

AJ: man, I just wish they'd stop doin that and get on with the game!!





Nick looks like he's trying to explain himself to AJ...let's take a listen...

AJ: Man,'ve gotta stop measuring yourself with your distract's Kevin...

Nick: Awe Bone, I'm sorry...won't do it again...



Some BSB Fun in the Sun...

These guys work it's alright if they take some time out to relax and enjoy themselves. At least the cameras followed them so we could see them in action!!! heehee

Brian playin a bit of soccer...for a guy who just had open-heart surgery he sure doesn't let the grass grow under his feet!! He's gotta stay life to the fullest (for the future is scarce...sorry, had to do it).





Frack, on the other hand, looks like he's decided that spinning the ball on your finger is better than chasing the ball...don't worry everyone, he's spinning on his "pointer" finger...




Surf's Up!!! Howie's getting the basics on surfing. I'm sure he's just trying to get the very basics on land before getting out there and dealing with the waves...looks like he's working on paddling...well, maybe not, looks like he's trying to work on kicking??!







Brian looks like he's got the hang of it!! Oh wait, he's not on water...but so far so good!! His stance is really good; putting his weight forward and his feet are nicely centered on the board...but I'm thinkin he's gonna have to look up not down...cuz he doesn't wanna bump into any of his buds on their boards (especially if Howie's out there kickin with his surfboard!)





Looks like Kevin already went through the lessons and hit the waves...or the waves hit him, it's hard to tell. He does look a little exhausted...but the waves don't look that big so hopefully he didn't wipe out...





Ok, is it just me or does it look like AJ's afraid for his life! We all know that Nick is up to no good, cuz that's just what Nick does. How many people out there would have loved to see if Nick actually tears that sarong off of AJ??! I bet you do...





Hmmm...Howie's lookin awfully nice here...but doesn't it sorta look like he's saying "come on guys...why won't you play with me?" Maybe it's got something to do with that big old "howie" floating in front of him? heehee







Looks like Nick was able to pull that sarong off of AJ!! Ok, is it just me or don't you want to run up to him with a plate of food??! He's so skinny!! But his muscles are looking GREAT!!!










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