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BSBHideaway's Castaway Registration

How do I become a Castaway?! Well, there's no need for you guys to go a deserted island and compete to SURVIVE and unfortunately, there is no million dollar reward...But here's what you need to do...

Just copy the following questions and answer them as you wish. Please remember to keep it as PG13 as possible, as your entry may be edited for content.



Email(if you feel so inclined):


Who is/are your favorite Boy(s) and why:

Favorite BSB Song(can name up to 3):

If you could say ONE thing to a NON-BSB fan to try to get them to "converted" what would you say?:

If you could play/sing ONE song for your favorite Boy what would it be(artist/song title)?:

How many times have you seen BSB? in person:

Do you read/write fanfic?:

Quote (anything, your own, someone else's):

You can also send your favorite picture of your chosen boy...please keep this picture to under 1.5MB and be sure that it is saved in *.jpg format.

Please send your email to The Castaway who is selected will get an email before the page is updated letting him/her know that she is the winner!

Thanks for your registry!! Check back often for the new BSBHideaway Castaway!!

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