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"Everybody's gone surfin...surfin USA"...oh wait, wrong Male Vocal Group...

Ok, being a football fan I can understand...but Nick is just a TAD overkill...hon, shirts don't go on your head...

Awwe...look, Nick's wrapping Howie up for me...what a sweetie

I always wonder why they put these 2 to Kevin, Howie's WAY short!!

OK, isn't this just the cutest thing??! Frick and Frack during's too sweet...

World Music Awards...with the 2 tan Backstreet Boys who were able to attend...what a night for them!

Hmmm...I wonder if this is how "Kentucky cousins" always spend their time?! They seriously seem to be enjoying themselves...

"We want YOU"

Look at those smiles!! Even in what appears to be sub-zero weather they manage to pull off the kool-aid smiles!! Even AJ!!

It is so cute that they would get this excited over their pictures being on the cover of a magazine...I wonder if they get excited anymore? I hear that sometimes when AJ gets bored he'll actually buy a magazine and tell the clerk "that's me!"

"Ink-a-bink a ball of ink, the cork fell out and you stink, my momma told me to pick you!"

Alright, yes, these 2 are close...but there's such a thing as being "too close"'s beginning to worry me

"That's What She Said"??! You sure about those lyrics, Rok?!

Nick, why didn't you remind Brian that it's not polite to use other people as step-stools??!

Hey! AJ and Howie were never handcuffed at our JNN concert! NO FAIR...

See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil...

Press Conference...these 3 look very serious about the questions...even Howie's not smiling ::shock shock::

Ummm...holding hands...again, I'm worried...

How appropriate that there's fire behind these 2...cuz they're HOT HOT HOT!!

A few things bother me about this picture...first thing being that Nickis almost as tall as Howie and he looks like he's 14/15?! AJ embarrassed about his arms or did he hurt himself? Lastly, does Nick think that pushing down on the upper arm is going to make his bicep bigger?!

Looks like these boys didn't really want to stand in the dirty, swamp water...but who would? Well, if they were in there I'm sure I could be persuaded to join 'em...what's a little swamp muck?

AJ: ", snap out of's not that early!"

Nick: "Nah man...sleep...must get more sleep!"

Possible conversation between Brian and Nick...ya never know, it could be possible...I mean, Nick did only get a 69 during this game...

Brian: "See, this is a bowling stick your fingers here and then you chuck it down the lane..."

Does anyone notice that Kevin's missing?! I think that Nick just had this realization and may be thinking about where he might have left him...

Did they smile at all during this press conference??!.

Howie: " yeah, that's why I decided that putting the mic to your eye doesn't work...people say they never hear me sing!"

Nick: "No way man...I like havin my mic by my eye...cuz then I can use the mic in my hand's alright D, I'm sure someone can hear you singin."

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