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Photo by Nick Baratta, Teen People Summer 2000

Nickolas Gene Carter

AKA: Nick, Kaos, Chaos, Frack (that's my nickname too!)

Birthday: January 28, 1980 (Aquarius)

Birthplace: Jamestown, NY

Siblings: Sisters BJ, Leslie, and twins Aaron and Angel

Height: 6'2"

Favorite Food: Micky D's...not sure what he orders though...hee hee

Pastimes: Boating, fishing, drawing, collecting football cards and beanie babies, playing video games

Fav Songs on Millennium: "Don't Wanna Lose You Now", "Spanish Eyes", "Larger Than Life" (wow, he didn't choose Don't Want You Back!)

Etc: Nick had a "blink and you'll miss it" part in Edward Scissorhands (if anyone's seen it let me know...I still can't find it!)

Notable quotes:

"I'm a very quiet person. I consider myself a hermit. I don't like to party. I'm happy in my hotel room just chillin'."

"When I was in school I wasn't very attractive to girls. I've dated girls who might not have been that attractive, but they were just as kind and sweet as anybody."

"I'm a real big fan of the beach and the ocean, so my place has just about everything to do with the ocean. It's on a small canal, so I'm thinking about getting a boat. As for the inside, it's very Miami Vice." - eek, maybe he was in Europe a little too long?? hee hee

"Each of us still wants to pursue solo plans outside the group. But that doesn't mean the BSB will break up! Right now we will concentrate on our world tour. It has total priority right now. That's why I'm postponing my solo album."

"Of course, just to let everyone know that we're gonna stick (to) the way we are. We're not really gonna go off any different way because, as everyone knows, that could sometimes be the downfall of groups and stuff like that, by trying to experiment too much. Then all of a sudden you come out with something that...nobody really knows you the heck you are."

" hand, dumba$$." - when Howie asked him what he was talking into.

What the Boys say about Nick: (source Starlog Celebrity Series #20)

How would you describe Nick to someone who's never met him before?

AJ: He's like a really cool kid, and though he's going to be 20 soon, I'd say he's still very young at heart. He's full of life and fun to be around.

What do you think girls like most about him?

AJ: I think he's so popular because he is the baby of the group but the girls who meet him really dig his personality.

Kevin: They like his hair, his smile, and, of course, his voice. He's got a really great voice.

How do you know when Nick's in a bad mood?

AJ: He gets really defensive. If I say, "Guys [referring to everybody], why did you do this or that?" he'll say, "Why are you saying that. I didn't do it."

If you can't find Nick, where's the first place you look for him?

AJ: In his room - playing Nintendo, of course!

Kevin: He could also be at a basketball court shooting hoops.

Would Nick be a good boyfriend?

AJ: Maybe not now, but eventually. He's still too young to take it seriously. If I asked one of his ex-girlfriends, "Why didn't it last?" she would probably say, "He loved his Nintendo more than he loved me!"

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