Chapter 19

*Later that day, at Kevin's house*
"Hey Kevin!" Stacey said entering in the house.
"Hey!" he said smiling.
"Ummm... smells good!!" she said going in the kitchen. She tried to look into the cauldron but he stopped her. "Hey! Can't I see what I'm gonna eat??"
"Nope!" he teased.
"Oh I wanna poison me! I knew it!" she laughed.
"If I'd like to kill you, I'd have to kill Brian too!" Kevin said with a grin.
"Huh!? What is Brian doing into this?" she asked what made Kevin laughed. He have totally forgotten to tell her he was coming dinner with them so he decided to play a little.
"Oh come on! I know what is going on between you two!" he said trying to not laugh.
"What!?!?" she asked surprised. "What are you talking about??"
"It's obvious you're having something up with him..." he teased again.
"Oh you're right...I never thought it was that obvious!" she sighed teasing him too.
"What??!?!?" he shouted.
"Gotcha!!!!" she exclamed all smile. The 2 bursted out laughing and then they heard a knock on the door.
"Oh that's probably Brian!" Kevin said "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you he was coming for dinner! Can you go open him the door? My hands are all dirty..."
"No problem Cook Kevin!" Stacey giggled as she walked to the door. "Hey Brian!!!!" she exclamed as she opened the door.
"Hey Stacey! how are you?" he asked not really happily.
"Great! how about you?"
"Not bad... "
"Alright!" Stacey said. She didn't want to enter into his personal life so she decided to not ask him what was wrong. "Did you know what Kevin wants to kill us?"
"Oh really?!? Not great to learn... he wants to poison us?" Brian giggled.
"Exactly!" Stacey laughed. "He didn't want me to look at what he was cooking!" she added pouting.
"That's because he doesn't want you to know his secret..." Brian said mysteriously.
"What secret!?!?" Stacey exclamed.
"Ssshhhh Rok! Don't tell her my secret!!" Kevin shouted from the kitchen.
"Ah sorry Stace!" Brian laughed.
"Hey come on guys! I wanna know!!" Stacey said pulling Brian's t-shirt like a young child. Kevin started laughing at when he walked into the living room and saw her.
"You're so naive Stace!" he laughed.
"That's because you don't stop teasing me!" she replied pouting before to smiled.
"Hey Cuz!" Kevin said hugging Brian. "How ya doing?"
"Alright!" Brian sait not really convincing.
"Ok! well, dinner is ready so let's eat!" Kevin said. The 3 friends walked to the dinning room and started eating.
"So Brian, Amber didn't want to come?" Stacey asked.
"well...I think she was busy.." he lied looking down his plate. He didn't want to talk about their fight right now. She was probably still angry with him because if not, she'd be right here next to him.
"Ok!" Stacey said feeling unconfortable. She knew something was wrong the way Brian answered. She tried to change subject. "So... " she paused. "Hey didn't you have a dog??" she asked suddently remembering something she read of a magazine.
"Yes I do..." he said looking even more down. Tyke just made him remember he was going to Leighanne's in a short while. He was looking so shy. Stacey felt horrible seeing him like this and send a depress glance at Kevin. He looked at her face and bursted out laughing. She stared at him strangely.
"You're getting things so worst!" Kevin exclamed laughing. Brian looked at his cousin and smiled. It was true that it was funny. Stacey didn't have an idea of what happenned with Leighanne and probably didn't know who she was. She didn't know about Brian's past.
"What? What did I do?" she said feeling really shy and confused. The 2 cousins were giggling at her.
"Oh man this is too funny!" Kevin said.
"I don't understand...did I missed something?" she asked.
"No no!" Brian said smiling. "Yes I have a dog and I'm going to pick him up a little later!" he said feeling suddently happy.
"Great....." she said unsure. "What is going on with you two??" he asked seeing that they were still giggling. They were both still thinking about the 2 questions Stacey asked Brian. "That was the last questions she had to ask him" Kevin have thought. But now he was thinking that it was great because Brian was smiling now.
"Oh nothing! I'll explain to you someday!" Brian smiled.
"Alright!" Stacey said. "Oh yeah... I have another question to ask you..." she added what made Kevin laugh again.
"Yeah....what?" Brian asked hoping it wouldn't be about his personal life.
"Would you like to go to Walt Disney World???"
"What?!?" Brian laughed.
"I wanna go!! And I thought it'd be fun to go with everyone!! I never went there and I really want to go!!!" Stacey said like a young little child.
"Yeah!! I think it'd be great! I know someone who's gonna be happy about that!" Brian said.
"Nick?" Kevin asked.
"Yeah! he'll stop bugging us about that..." Brian laughed.
"Yoohooooo!!!" Stacey shouted. "We'll have so much fun!!"
The rest of the dinner went great. They were all having fun and Brian have forgotten a little about Leighanne. He was seeing that Stacey was someone really funny. Kevin wasn't looking as bad as he used too when she was around because she was always so full of life. At a moment she excused herself and went to the bathroom. The cousins took this time to talk a little.
"So did you talk to Kristin yet?" Brian asked.
"Yeah...she went here yesterday... " Kevin sighed remembering their little fight.
"Went bad?"
"A little... she wasn't happy at all about the divorce paper... but I had to do it..." Kevin said.
"Yeah! I understand... what did she say?"
"She said that I'm not finish with her... " he sighed again.
"I don't think you should be worry about that... you're right about those papers... " Brian said.
"Yeah...that's what I think...I was suppose to call her today to work things out but I cooked all day so I didn't have time..."
"Ok! Oh I'm so nervous!" Brian exclamed.
"Don't worry man! Everything will go right!!!" Kevin replied. "Why are you nervous like that?"
"I don't know... " Brian sighed. "That's why I got a fight with Amber this morning..."
"I understand her a's a little scary don't you think? You're going to see your ex and you're nervous like hell!" Kevin giggled.
"I don't know why I'm reacting like this... I'll see when I'll get there I guess..." Brian said looking at his watch. "Oh man! I should get going!" he added standing up.
"You can come back here after if you want...I'm sure Stacey will be so excited to see Tyke!" Kevin laughed.
"Yeah!!" Brian laughed too. "I'll see!"
"You're leaving??" Stacey asked when she got downstair.
"Yup! Thanks for the dinner Kev!"
"No problem cuz!"
"Oh and Stace, call me when you'll want to go to Disney Land...." Brian giggled.
"Alright!! Bye Brian!" she smiled.
"Bye you 2!" he said as he closed the door.

Brian drove nervously to Leighanne's house. His hands were all wet and his heart was beating faster and faster. He finally arrived in front of the house. "Calm down Brian, calm down!" he said to himself. He walked out and took a deep breath before to knocked on the door. He heard Tyke barfing when Leighanne opened the door.
"Hey Brian!" she said with a beautiful smile. Brian always liked her smile. He smiled too, feeling a little unconfortable.
"Hey!" he replied shyly.
"Come in!" she said walking into the house. "Look Tyke! Your daddy is here!" she said with a little baby voice like they both used to talk to their dog. Little Tyke ran to Brian all happy to finally see his "daddy".
"Hey Boy!!!!" Brian shouted happily. He took his dog in his arm and stroke his back. Brian looked up at Leighanne and saw that she wasn't looking very confortable in this situation either. He decided to talk a little with her since he knew he wasn't gonna see her anytime now. "So, how ya doing?"
"I'm alright... how 'bout you?" she asked sitting on the couch.
"I'm okay! You didn't have any trouble with him?" he said looking at Tyke with a smile.
"I never had trouble with him..." she said looking down. She was acting really shy and really different that she used to. "Would you like something to drink?" she then asked.
"Okay! Why not!" he replied as he followed her to the kitchen. He wanted to know a little of what happened with her the past months.
"So tell me, how is everyone doing?" she asked. She was often thinking about them and she was missing them really much. Everyone loved her and the they she and Brian broke up, the were are pretty sad.
"Oh well... alright I guess..." he said. "You know, there are ups and downs..."
"Yeah! I saw Mandy the other day... Nick and her broke up?!?" she sais as she gave him a glass of juice.
"That's right..." Brian replied. "But he is with someone right now... but I don't think it's gonna last..."
"Too bad! And does Aj is with a girl?" she asked thiking about him. He always was a flirt but she knew he would fin someone serious someday.
"Actually yes! With Becky, one of our new dancers!" he said smiling.
"Oh! There are new dancers with you???" she asked surprised.
"Yup! The old crew were starting to be tired... "
"Oh I see! Well this is great! I'm happy to hear that everyone is okay!" she said looking in his beautiful blue eyes. She was really happy to see him again but didn't want to show it too much. But she was shy and scared in the same time. Shy because she was sorry for what happenned between them and scared that he would be angry. Bur right now, it was going great and she felt that he wanted to stay a little longer. "So...anything new with you?" she asked.
"Umm...not really! I'm happy to be back in Florida! And the tour went great! Nothing really new..." he said thinking about how his life have changed for the past months. "How about you?"
"Nothing much! I was on vacation the past months so I went to my mother's for a couple of weeks. But next week I'll start working on a big production so...I'm kinda excited to go back to work!" she said with sparkling eyes.
They talked about their lifes since they broke up during some minutes when Leighanne suddently changed subject.
"Do you have anyone in your life right now?" she asked with a grin. Inside her, she was really shy to ask him this quesion. She knew he had troubles to find a girl and it was big part her fault.
"Yes I do!" he said with a little smile.
"That's great!!" she said sincerely. She was happy to hear that. She knew she had hurt him and she was pleased to see him happy.
"She's one of the new dancer..." he said thinking about Amber's body and the way she was dancing on the stage with him.
"Good for you! I'm happy to hear that!" she said what surprised Brian a lot. He was feeling really strange about all that but he was happy that they weren't fighting like Kevin and Kristin.
"Well...I should get going now!" he said looking at his watch.
"Ok!" she replied while they walked to the front door. "It was great seeing you again! I'm happy everything goes right for you!"
"Thanks! Same thing here!" he smiled. They looked at each other without knowing what to do. Then Brian walked closer to her and hugged her quickly. "Bye!"
"Bye Brian! Take care!" she said still shocked that he had stayed with her almost an hour. She never thought they'd get along so great after what they've been through.
Brian walked to his car with Tyke in his arms. He was all smile and felt really great. He was so happy things were okay and that they were able to talk together. He took his cell phone and called his house to see if Amber was there. He suddently felt like to see her and talked to her. After a couple of rings, he gave up and decided to go back at Kevin's.

***Meanwhile, on Amber's side***
It was around 8pm and Amber was still at Brian's house laying on the bed, watching tv. She have done that all day. She have called Becky and Ashley to see if they were busy but both were absent so she finally gave up and stayed in the house watching movies. She usually was someone very active but that day, she didn't feel like it. The fight she had with Brian had just made he feel even more angry about him. She didn't want to see him so she didn't go to the dinner at Kevin's. She knew it would have get things worst. He was so nervous since a week. But right now, she was the one nervous. She stayed there, not really paying attention at the movie that was playing. She was thinking that she should go out tonight. She was getting tired to watch tv and to think about Brian. She just had to wait until he'd come back and then they could talk. She thought for a moment about what she could do and suddently felt like drinking and having fun to forget about all that shit she was thinking. She thought that she could go to a club or something. There she could meet new people, dance and drink. She got up and looked at what she would be wearing. When she finally found what she wanted, she got dressed and leaved.
She walked in the club smiling. She knew that she was gonna forget everything tonight. There was a lot of people dancing and having fun. "Great! Just what I need!" she thought happily. She walked to the bar and sat on one of the stool. "A beer please!" she ordered.
"Amber?" a familiar voice asked. Amber turned around and saw Nick sitting right next to her.
"Nick!" she shouted surprised to see him there.
"The one and only!" he said as he took sip of his beer. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh well..I needed to change my mind and have some fun" she said. She was a little dissapoint to see him there because he was remembering her about Brian. But she decided to stay because anyway, she had nothing to do. And who knows? maybe it was gonna be fun to hang out with him a little.
"Brian huh??" he asked.
"Yeah..." she sighed. "Thank you!" she said to the barmaid while he gave her the beer.
"He's a paranoid!" Nick giggled.
"Paranoid?" she asked giggling too.
"Yeah...he's always nervous at anything... sometimes it's really annoying!" he said taking another sip.
"I can see that... anyway...I don't want to talk about it right now... " she said. "What are you doing here?"
"Same thing! Needed to forget about my life for a while.."
"Oh something's wrong?" she asked.
"Sort of... I'm mixed up... love is such a thing!" he exclamed what made Amber laugh.
"Problem with Rachel right?"
"Problem with her? um...No ... problem with me? Yes!" he sighed.
"Oh !" she said not really understanding what he was saying. She already had finish to drink her beer so she ordered another one.
"Don't try to understand... I can't myself..." he replied ordering another beer too. It was actually his 4th but he didn't care right now. No one was there to watch him.
"Too bad! I'd like to help you but my psychologist side don't want to come out tonight..." she laughed.
"It's better that way! I don't want to have a psychologist with me!" he smiled.
"Would you like to dance?" she asked getting up. She was feeling like to expend some energie right now.
"Why not!" he said. They got to the dance floor and danced widly to the music. They were both happy to forget about what was bugging them and they were having a lot of fun. After a couple of dances they came back at the bar and ordered some drinks again. After a lot of talking and a lot of drinks, they got back at the dance floor. They were both drunk and were laughing at anything. Nick have drunk more and he wasn't walking really straight. They were laughing out loud and doing stupid dances when a ballad started playing. They got closer naturally and danced together, Nick's ams around her waist and Amber's arms around his neck and her head was on his chest. When the song ended they got apart and walked to a table. The alcohol was getting hard on them and they both felt like they had to talk about their feelings.
"Love is bullshit!" Nick shouted giggling. He didn't stop giggling since they sat down.
"Um..No.. not all the time.." Amber said giggling too.
"Well...most of the time on my side..." he said pouting.
"Yeah right! There are zillions of girls after you... " Amber giggled.
"That's not the truuuuuuue love!" Nick said.
"No? That's the false?" Amber laughed. "I'd like to have tons of boys running after me..."
"You would like it but Brian wouldn't!"
"Who cares! He doesn't care about my feelings so I don't care about his!" she said a little too drunk to think about what she was saying. Nick looked at her and laughed.
"Oh well! I guess you're right!"
"Why do you say that love is bullshit?" she asked taking a sip of her beer.
" is!" he giggled.
"Because it's always mixed up! It's a mixed up feeling!" he sighed.
"Yes! You're right! So tell is it going with...what's her name again?" Amber asked laughing about her lapse of memory.
"How do you think it's going?" he laughed too.
"How am I suppose to know?!?!?" she asked.
"I wouldn't have tell you that love is bullshit if everything would go right!" he said what made Amber bursting out laughing.
"Sorry! I forgot!" she laughed.
"'s not going pretty well! But who cares right now?" he said always giggling.
"Ooooh! That's too bad!" she laughed. They were both really passed out so they got into a fit of laughter during some minutes.
"Why are we laughing??" Nick asked.
"I don't know!!" Amber shouted.
"I think we should go!" Nick laughed seeing that the barmaid was looking at them weirdly. They were almost alone in the club.
"Oh yeah that's right!"
"Let's call a cab!" he said as he stood up. He called a cab and they arrived at Nick's house a few minute later. They haven't talk about Amber's going to his house but she was so drunk that she didn't realize where she was. She just followed him in the house laughing.
"I'll get ya some sheet!" Nick said trying to walk to the closet. He finally got some of them. "Come here I'll show you the room" he added starting to get upstair. But on his way on he stumble and fell in the stairs. He stayed there like realizing what just happenned and bursted out laughing. Amber, who was right behind him laughed at him. Nick got back on his feet hardly and they both walked up to the room laughing so hard that they couldn't talk. Amber jumped on the bed still laughing and Nick walked up to her to give her the sheets but he wasn't able to walk straight so he fell down on the top of her. They both giggled a little but when they looked in each other's eyes they both felt so attracted to each other that they started kissing widly. They weren't thinking a second about what they were doing so they kept kissing and touching each other. Nick hands rolled all over Amber's body a little widly and he was kissin and sucking her neck as she moaned. She lifted up his t-shirt and stroke his back with her nails. They got off their clothes as they kept kissing each other's body. They had sex but there was so much alcohol in their blood that they weren't even realizing they were together. Nick layed down right next to Amber putting his arm around her as they both fell asleep.
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