Chapter 3

*The next morning*
Becky open her eyes and felt horrible. Her head was hurting bad. Then she felt something around her naked hips. She soon realized that it was a arm. She didn't remember anything of what happened last night and now she was worried about it.
"What the hell??" she said waking up to see who was beside her. "Oh my god!" she said louder.
"Huh??? What's going on?" said Aj having a hard time waking up. "What are you doing here??" he added looking at Becky.
"I... I don't know... " she replied trying to remember what happened last night.
"What happened??" he asked.
"Well... I think that's pretty obvious" she said referring to their naked bodies.
"Oh god". He didn't know what to think or say.
"Well... look Aj I think we did a could have happen to anyone so.. let's just forget about it alright???"
"Yeah I think it'd be better like this... but do you remember anything from last night?? Because...I don't!" he said with a sorry smile.
"Well I remember we danced... but then... nothing... " Becky said picking her clothes on the floor.
"Ok... the others will probably tell us anyway... I remember that I drank very much so... I'm sorry if I'm the one who started this Becky..."
"I'm sorry if it's me... " she said with a sorry smile. "I'll just .. get into my room and..I'll see ya later alright?"
"Yeah...See ya" he said. Everything went so fast that he could think of nothing! When she left he thought of how he could let this happen. Of course Becky is a very hot girl but he always told himself to not do anything with the dancers because they were working together so if anything happen, it could ruin their relationship. And it was the first time he did something like this while he was drunk. He shook his head and got dress to join the other downstair for breakfast.
Becky was walking in the hallway still suprise of what happen with Aj. She never thought she'd go that far. She was walking to her room, that she was sharing with Naomie. When she opened the door, she saw her friend laying on the bed and still sleeping. She walked slowly, trying to not make any noise that could wake up Naomie. What she didn't know is that Naomie wasn't really sleeping because she heard her entering in the room.
"Where were you girlie?" asked Naomie giggling.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to awake you!" she said, sitting on the bed looking worried.
"Hey what's wrong?? Did you have some fun last night??" she asked with a big smile.
"Humm... Yeah.... but I don't remember anything..." Becky said. "I just woke up naked next to Aj and.. "
"AJ!?!?!!?!?" shouted Naomie.
"Hum.. yeah... " said Becky looking at the floor.
"I should have tought about it" laugh Naomie.
"How come??"
"You two were dancing really close and everything... you were wild together on the dance floor...very touchy and things like that...but no one really cares because everyone knows Aj."
"Yeah... but I feel terrible! If it's me who started everything??? I don't know how I could let this happen... I'm usually not as drunk to let things like that happen...and now everyone is gonna talk about it... I won't be able to look Aj in the eyes again! I never thought we'd go that far!!" she said almost crying.
"Hey! Don't worry girl!" said Naomie putting her arms around Becky's shoulder. "It's not gonna be that bad! You'll just won't talk about it anymore and everything is gonna be like it was!" she said smiling.
"Yeah you're right! I'm over reacting"
"So tell me... was he good?????" asked Naomie excited.
"Shut up!" said Becky laughing. "I told you I don't remember anything!!!"
"Alright, alright! But if some details ever come to your head today... I want to be the first one to know!" added Naomie laughing too.
"Yeah yeah! Let's go breakfast now!" said Becky still laughing.

*At The Breakfast*
Aj was sitting at the table waiting for the other guys. He knew that they would ask him tons of questions because he was usually the last one to come for breakfast. He didn't know why he came as early but he had to talk with someone. Suddently someone touch his shoulder.
"Hey Aj!! You're hungry this morning??" asked Amber giggling.
"Oh Hey! Nah not really. I just woke up earlier... Brian isn't with you?" he said.
"He'll be there soon... he was in the shower when I left him."
"Huh okay" said Aj. He didn't know if he should talk to Amber about what happened with Becky. He really wanted to talk to someone about and he knew Amber would learn it someday because she was close to Becky. So he asked her:
"Hum Amber... can you tell me a little bit what was I doing yesterday night? Because I don't really remember and I kinda got a suprise this morning..." he said trying to smile.
"Oh... I see... well you were really drunk and you were flirting with all the girls... especially Becky at the end of the party. You were dancing really close and everything..." she answered. "Was Becky the surprise??"
"Hum..yeah..." he said feeling a little stupid. "I don't know how this happen and she doesn't remember either... we'll just forget about it but I kinda feel strange... I'm sure it's gonna be different now..."
"Don't worry about it... I'm sure she feels sorry too... you were both so drunk. We should have take care of you and get you back to your room. We left you alone because we were all so tired. We just said: The party is over and we got to our room. We didn't think something like this would happen" she said feeling sorry.
"It wasn't your fault... it was a big big mistake from me and her... well I don't know who started it but I'm sure I didn't help."
"Well, no one started you kinda got together this!" she said clapping her finger.
"Anyway... I just hope nothing is gonna change...we dance together during Show Me The Meaning and... I don't want her to be upset at me..."said Aj sadly
"She don't have to be upset... I mean if you two got there she probably didn't want to stop... you both are responsible... if something changed... just talk to her about it, she'll understand and she's probably thinking the same thing." she said with a smile.
"Yeah you're right!" he said smiling too. "Thank you" he added giving her a hug.
"Hey you're stealing my girl!!!" said Brian coming into the room laughing.
"I'll never do that bro!" said Aj.
"Alright then!" said Brian smiling. "Let's wait for the others to order."
Kevin and Kristin came into some minutes later followed by Howie. They sat down and started talking while Carly, Ashley entered in the room. Then Naomie and Becky walked in the dinning room and sat down. Becky didn't want to look at Aj and it was the same for him. Everyone could see there was a tension between the 2 but no one wanted to talk about it seeing that it would make them even more shy. Everyone were hungry but wanted to wait for Nick and Rachel to arrive. When they saw them arrive together talking, everyone looked at them with a big smile.
When he sat down next to Brian, Nick asked him:
"What's wrong? why is everyone is looking at me like this???"
"I don't know... what do you think?" Brian said giggling. "Does something happened with her???"
"No, not at all! we just met when we came down the elevator! I swear!!" he said trying to convince his friend.
"You don't need to swear, I believe you..."
"Yesterday night I just walked with her to her room and tell her goodnight... that's all..." he said.
"It's okay!!" said Brian giggling. "You don't need to convince me!"he added not too sure of what he was saying, still laughing.
"Brian!!! I know you don't believe me... I swear we did nothing!! Not even a kiss!!! It's not that I didn't want but... I didn't feel like I should.. " he said still trying to convince Brian.
"Okay okay... I believe you!!! I swear!!!" said Brian thinking that he should believe him if he want Nick to talk to him like before. "But tell me that if something happen, you'll tell me..."
"Of course I will!" said Nick smiling.
During the breakfast they all talked about what they could do of their
free day.
"So what are we doing today?" asked Ashley.
"We could go at pool and have some volleyball games" said Nick.
"Beach party!! yeah sounds great!" shouted Becky.
Everyone agreed to meet at the pool at 2 pm.
"I'll join you at the pool later" said Kevin a little sad.
Kevin had to take Kristin to the airport because she was
leaving today so they both left the others after some hugs and good
luck wishes.
"A day the's gonna be so much fun!" said Naomie to Becky while
she was getting dressed for the pool.
Becky was searching in her clothes to find her swim suit. She opened her
bag she shouted:
"What the..."
"What's going on??" asked Naomie looking at the face of her friend.
"I forgot my swim suit! Look, that is the only thing I have!" she said
showing a really small yellow bikini.
"And so what?? You look great in it! And look at me... " she said showing
her little rose bikini. "Do you think Nick will like it??"
"I'm sorry but you should forget's obvious he has a crush
on Rachel... " she said trying to not hurt her friend.
"Yeah I know... but I don't care... maybe he'll change his mind when
he'll see me" Naomie said with a sexy smile. "Come on!! Hurry up!!
They'll wait for us to start the volleyball game!"
"I'm not going... " said Becky looking at her bikini.
"Hey! what's the matter??? I thought you actually liked when guys
were looking at you..."
"It's not that... "
"So what it is??? Tell me!" said Naomie louder.
"How do you want me to not be shy around Aj with this!!! I won't feel
confortable around him... and the other boys!" screamed Becky.
"What are the other boys doing in this?"
"They probably all know what happened ... Aj probably told everyone
about it!"
"I don't think so... no one seemed to know it at the breakfast... come on!
let's go... hurry up! Who cares of what they think??? They are boys..."
said Naomie laughing and pushing her friend in the bathroom with her
bikini. "Don't talk and get dress! If something goes wrong... I'll kick
their asses!!"
"Alright!" whispered Becky smiling of what her friend just said.
Naomie was looking herself in the mirror. She was thinking of what
Nick would think of her with this bikini. She always thought he was
so cute but never thought of having a relationship with him. But when
he saw how he was looking Rachel, she felt terribly jealous. She
thought that maybe he would look at her differently in this bikini
because she usually wasn't showing a lot of her body because she was
a little shy. She always wished to have something special with him, even
just a good friendship but he never really took attention to her and
that was making her upset.
"Ok I'm ready!! Let's go!" said Becky looking at herself in the mirror.
"I hope everything is gonna be fine..."
"Ah you look really great... everything will go right...and anyway...he saw
more than this huh??" Naomie said giggling.
"Shut up! He probably don't remember anyway..." laugh Becky.
"Okay here we go!!!!" screamed Naomie.

*In Rachel's Room*
Rachel was in her room putting everything upside down, making a
mess in the room. "Why am I freaking out?" she said out loud. She
was very nervous but she didn't know why. She finally found her
swimsuit and put it on. She was looking at her image in the mirror
thinking that she should lost some weight. But she was slim and a lot
of boys were looking at her. Suddently, someone knocked at the door.
"Who is it???" she screamed trying to find a t-shit to put on.
"It's Nick, can I come in??"
"Oh my god!!!" she thought. She was now really nervous and never thought
the he would come. "Yeah wait a minute, I'm coming!!" she said while
she took some t-shirt who was on the floor. Then she ran at the door
and opened it.
"Hey!" she said with a smile.
"Hey what's up? Did I interrupted something??" he said laughing at
her t-shirt who was inside out.
She looked at herself and started laughing feeling really stupid.
"Nah I was just suprise by the knock on the door..." she said blushing.
"Oh alright... sorry... wow it's a real mess in here!" exclaiming Nick as
he look in Rachel's room.
"hum... yeah... I tried to find my swimsuit" she said giggling.
"So did you found it???"
"Yeah I did!! I'm ready to go!"
"Alright let's go!" he said smiling.
"Oh wait!!" stopped Rachel. "I'll just change T-shirt"
"Ok" he said with a cute smile.
"Wow!" Nick thought when he saw her taking off her t-shirt. "She's
hot! What a body!" he thought again with a smile.
"Why do you smile like that??" she asked when she turned around and
faced him.
"Oh.. No reason!!"
"Yeah right... " she laughed. "Let's go now!"
"Alright alright" he said looking at her butt.

*In Brian's room*
"Wow wow wow!! How cute are you???" said Brian when he saw Amber
coming out of the bathroom.
"You look great too!" she replied looking at the body of her boyfriend.
He smiled, came behind her and started kissing her on the neck.
"Stop Brian, we're already late!" she said laughing.
"You don't like my kiss???" he said still kissing her.
"I really like it, believe me, but now we have to join the fellas." she
answered a little upset that they had to go now. She really wanted to
feel his kisses and love.
"Ok, you're right" he said dissapointed. "Let's go!" he added, taking
her hand.

*Later at the pool*
When they got to the pool, everybody were already there.
"Hey B-rok! How come you're late?" asked Howie. "It's usually
Aj who's late!"
"And I miss it!" shouted Aj before jumping into the water.
"Hey, Brian have a new girlfriend so... don't ask questions!!" said
Ashley laughing.
"Ah shut up you guys!" laughed Amber. "Where's Becky??"
"She's coming, she just went upstair because she forgot something"
said Naomie.
"Alright!!" replied Amber.
As this say, Becky entered into the pool room. As she walked down to
the pool, Aj looked at her like it was the first time he ever sees her. He
couldn't believe he woke up with her naked body next to him. He never
thought that he would do that... He thought that maybe she was the only
one with who he never thought of it. Of course she was cute, sexy, hot
and everything but he never saw her this way. She was so sexy in her
little yellow bikini.
"Earth calls the moon, earth calls the moon!!" said Brian with an
astronaut moon.
"huh!?!?" said Aj waking up.
"You're still looking at her buddy..."
"What are you talking about?" said Aj suprise that Brian was
actually right.
"Oh come on Aj! You didn't see your face when she cames in!" laughed
"I'm sorry Brian but I can't see what you're talking about..."
"Alex" sang Brian. "Amber told me about last night... "
"Oh great!" exclaimed Aj.
"It's no big deal! I won't tell anyone, I swear... but if you don't like her,
stop looking at her like she was the only woman on earth!!" Brian said.
"It's not my fault! I just can't get away the image of her naked
body off my head!! She's so beautiful, so sexy, so hot!" said Aj
surprise of what he just said.
"Wooo... calm down bro! Maybe this affair brang feelings between
both of you."
"No I don't think so... she don't seem to like me... anyway it was a
really big mistake and we have to forget about it... everybody... including
you b-rok!!" said Aj looking at his friend, very seriously.
"Alright, Alright! I won't talk it anymore! But if you like her..." said Brian
going away and not finishing what he started to say.
Aj looked Becky one last time and then took the volleyball from Nick's
hand. Everyone were having lots of fun, including Aj and Becky..even if
they weren't talking to each other...not even looking at each other. Becky
have seen Aj looking at her when she entered in the room earlier. She
didn't know what to think. But she wanted to have fun so she forgot
about him and the mistake of last night... but it was hard because so
many questions were running in her mind.
"Stop thinking about it! And talk to him... you seem so sad when he's
around... you're usually goofing around and now you're so calm..."
said Naomie to Becky in her ears.
"Sorry... I'll try to talk to him later." said Becky.
"Come on Becky!! We have to take our revenge on B-rok and
Amber!!!" shouted Nick who was in the pool, splashing the two lovers.
"I'm coming!!!" laughed Becky before to jump into the water.
A little bit later, Kevin came back from the airport looking sad. He sat
on a chair looking somewhere else.
"Hey Cuz what's uuup???" asked Brian coming out of the pool.
"She's gone..." replied Kevin.
"Kevin, you've already been trought something like this... don't worry
man! She'll be back and it's gonna be like she never left!"
"I know, I know... I'm just gonna miss her so much." said Kevin looking
at the floor.
"Ah come on! let's go play some volleyball! We need your help, Nick's
team is beating us!!!" said Brian.
"Ok I'm coming!" smiled Kevin.
The volleyball game went great. Everyone had fun and Nick's team
finally wan, one more time. They all had a great time goofind around
and splashing every one. Everyone was leaving and Becky was wiping
her body when Aj came by her.
"Hey what's up Beck?" he asked her not sure of himself.
"Hey!" she answered too shy to look at him. "Not much... you?"
"Nothing much too... look I... I think we need to talk don't you??" he
"Hum... yeah I think we should..." she said turning to him.
"So... hum... did you tell anyone?"
"I'm not stupid Aj I won't tell anybody... I feel bad enough!" she said.
"But Naomie knows.."
"Ok I'm not gonna tell anyone but Amber and Brian knows about it..." he
replied. After a pause he added: "But it's not what I want to talk about..."
"So what do you want to talk about??" asked Becky. "You remember
"No no no... I just think it's obvious that things have changed now
between us and I don't want it that way. We dance together in all
the concerts and I want you to feel confortable in front of me. And
I want to feel confortable with you. I want to be able to talk to you
like before..."said Aj very serious looking her in the eyes.
"Yeah I want it too but... we never really talked before you know..."
"Becky I'm serious. I know we've been really close friends but I think
we should... anyway we shared something... personnal if you see what
I mean..." he said smiling.
"Yeah" she giggle. "But we don't remember anything so... that's not
a matter!"
"Maybe but we both know we did it... we had sex together Becky!"
"Ok ok...don't make me remember... I feel so bad about it!" said
Becky loosing her patience.
"Listen... I just wanted to ask you if we could be friend... if you
don't want, just tell me now!" he said a little sad.
"No no, of course I want to be your friend! He'd be great!" she said
with a smile.
"That's great!... but can I tell you something now that we're friend?"
he asked with a mysterious look.
"Yeah of course you can!"
"Well, you look wonderful in this bikini!!" he said with a huge smile.
"Thank you... "she said not too sure if he was serious.
"But... you look better without it!!!"exclaimed Aj with a laugh.
"Oh Aj!!!" screamed Becky pushing him in the pool, laughing.
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