Chapter 33

*The next day, in the afternoon, in Aj's room*
"Aj stop it please!!!" Becky yelled, laughing at the same time.
"But I can't..." he said with a grin as he tickled her even more.
"Of course you can!!" she laughed fighting with him to get away from the bed.
"My hands aren't listening to my brain!" he replied not stopping. He was on the top of her and was holding her too tigh so she couldn't escape.
"You don't have a brain that's why!!!" she exclaimed bursting out laughing.
"Did you just say I have no brain?" he asked stopping to tickle her and looking at her in the eyes.
"Me? I would NEVER say something like this..." she grinned.
"I know you said it...and you'll regret it?"
"Really? What will you do to me?" she said wrapping her arms around his body and giving him a sexy look.
"Um...I dunno... " he started. "When you give me this look...I can only think at one thing..."
"And what is it?" she asked knowing exactly what he was thinking about.
"To take off this tank top and penties from ya!" he exclaimed before to kiss her.
"You really think I'll regret it?" she laughed when they broke the kiss.
"Nah..." he smiled at her and kissed her neck and going down. He removed her tank top and kissed her stomach softly. She ran her hands in his hair and soon wanted his lips back on hers. They took off each others underwears, kissing widly. He entered in her slowly as she moaned and ran her fingers softly on his back. He moved faster 'til they reached their climax and he layed down beside her, still kissing her. She wrapped him her arms they both fell asleep.
A while later a knock on the door woke them up.
"Guys what the hell are you doing? We're waiting for you downstair!" an unhappy Brian said on the other side of the door.
"Oh shit!" Aj giggled looking at the time. "We're late for dinner darling... " he told Becky who opened her eyes smiling.
"Who cares?" she said.
"We'll be down in a few Rok!!" he yelled.
"Alright... " he replied leaving.
"I was feeling too good in your arms..." Becky smiled before to plant a little kiss on his lips.
"Me too..." he replied smiling too. "But...I'm starving right now.. "
"Alright alright... " she sighed letting him go.
"You'll watch me tonight huh??" he asked getting dressed.
"Of course..we'll have a girl party watching you guys!" she answered putting her clothes on too.
"Uh-oh...I'm not sure if it's a good thing..."
"Because you'll say bad things about me" he said pouting.
"What? I'd never do that!" she laughed.
"Maybe you won't but the other girls will..." he pouted again.
"Oh poor baby!" she said rubbing his shoulder. "But it's so easy to laugh of you..." she continued with a laugh.
"I'm just kidding...I swear that if the girls dare saying something about you..i'll kick their asses!"
"Okay then!" he smiled and kissed her.
They walked down and met the other in the big dinning room of the hotel.
"It was about time!" Howie exclaimed.
"Sorry we fell asleep... " Becky said.
"Yeah yeah..." Naomie gave her a I-know-what-you-were-doing look.
"Whatever!" Becky laughed sitting next to her bestfriend.
They ate a little fast because the Boys had to leave for the Mtv Europe Awards. When it was finally time to go, the Boys left in a limousine and the girls went to Ashley's room to watch the show.
"Let's party!!!" Becky exclaimed with a bottle of wine.
"Ah come on Beck! We should wait for the show to start..." Naomie said.
"Yeah maybe you're right... " her friend sighed sitting on the floor.
"Hey Stace... you did a nice job with Kevin's hair!" Ashley told her with a laugh.
"Um..Thank you..." Stacey replied a little shy. The afternoon had been a lot of emotions for her. At first everything was alright but another time she and Kevin had almost kissed. If Naomie wouldn't have come into the room....
"Are you there?" Becky asked snapping her finger in front of Stacey's face who was lost in her thoughts.
"Huh? yeah yeah I'm here!" Stacey replied blushing.
"I hope they'll win something!! I want to say their speech..." Ashley said.
"Well...they always say the same thing... you'll see!! Brian will talk first and he'll thank God... " she started. "After Howie will thank their families... Kevin their management and things like that... Aj too...depending on what they win. And then, if he gets the chance, Nick will thanks the fans!" she added giggling.
"She's so right!" Naomie exclaimed laughing.
"Hey Carly what's up? You're not talking a lot.." Stacey said looking at her who was on the bed like lost in her thoughts.
"Yeah sorry... " she replied with a sad look.
"What's wrong girlie?" Ahsley asked sitting next to her.
"Nothing...i'm alright..."
"Is she alright girls?" Ashley asked looking at the others who were sitting on the floor.
"No!" they all said together.
"Okay... I'm sad Amber's gone... " Carly confessed. "She was my bestfriend..."
"I'm sure you'll have the chance to see her again!" Ashley said.
"I know... but she was so happy to be with us and to tour with the Boys... I can't believe something like that happened..." Carly sighed.
"No one can believe it I think..." Becky replied.
"Can I be your bestfriend now??" Ashley asked with a grin. They all started laughing.
"Yeah okay...I think I can handle you!" Carly laughed.
"Yahooo!!!" Ashley shouted.
"I think we all need a big glass of this wine..." Becky said taking the bottle in her hands.
"Yeah alright!".
"So Becky...things are serious between you and Alex?" Stacey asked smiling.
"Um...yeah I think so..." Becky smiled too.
"I think you're the perfect girl for him! You're weird as he is!" Ashley exclaimed.
"Oh well thanks I'll take it as a compliment!"
"No really... you two are exactly the same thing...except that you're a girl and he's a boy..."
"Geez... I haven't notice..." Becky teased.
"Ah stop it!!!!" Ashley shouted throwing a pillow at her.
"She's right Beck... you really are similar..." Naomie said.
"Okay okay...he's the man of my life!!! I want to spend the rest of my life with him...blablabla" Becky said exaspered.
"That's not what I said....but your personnalities are quite similar...that's all!"
"I know...but hey, we'll see what will happen! I don't like to see things too big... I prefer to see what happen day after days..." Becky said. "I'm not like Carly..." she added with a grin.
"What? What did I do??" Carly asked.
"Ah come on! We all know you're dreaming to live all your life with Sweetie D and to have children... a big house and a dog..." Becky teased.
"That's not true!"
"Oh yes it is!" Becky continued.
"Okay okay...leave her alone..." Ashley said laughing at the two girls.
"Shut up girls! It's starting!!!" Naomie exclaimed focusing on the tv.
The show started and the girls commented every artists who were presenting or winning. They were all nervous and wanted the Boys to win something.
"Shit! I can't believe I've worked with him... " Stacey said looking at who was on tv. "He looks much nicer on tv..."
"You have worked with Robbie Williams???" Becky exclaimed.
"Yeah...only once...when I've worked for the Billboard Awards... he was there and I had to get his hair done and everything...he was such a pain!" Stacey laughed.
"Yeah...he wasn't really nice to me..." Stacey said. "Oh look! Here they are!" she added seeing the Boys on the screen. They were presenting for best female artist.
"Oh my god... look at what Aj's wearing!!!!" Ashley said before to burst out laughing.
"Hey!!!!" Becky shouted. "It's nice..and sexy..."
"It's weird......... It's perfect for him!!!" Naomie laughed.
"Girls...I've made a promise to my boy and if you say something bad about him again...I'll have to kill you..." Becky said seriously.
"Come on Beck! Are you watching or not? You have to admitt it's a little weird..." Naomie said looking at her friend. Becky looked at the tv for some minutes and finally bursted out laughing. "I knew you weren't serious..." Naomie laughed.
"I just hope Britney won't win...I don't want her to approach Howie..." Carly said.
"Ah jealousy!"
After a while, the Boys finally wan an awards and they all got up on the stage running. It was for Best Group and they were really happy to win it. The girls screamed and laughed at their reactions.
"Okay now! Listen to their thanks!" Ashley said with a big smile.
"Thank you everyone! First we'd like to thank God..." they heard Brian say in the tv.
"I've told you!!!!" Ashley shouted laughing. The girls listened carefully to what they were saying, laughing at anything. They had drank two bottles of wine so they were all a little hyper. "Okay now thank the fans..."
"And of course, Thanks to the fans!!!!" Nick shouted in the microphone. The girls all bursted out laughing again.
"Oh My... this is too funny!" Stacey cried laying on the floor. When they calm down they continued to watch the show wishing the boys would win another award. They did, for the Best Album for Millennium. The girls listened to them carefully, wondering what they were going to say.
"Again, thanks to God and to everyone who helped us for making this dream come true!" Brian said.
"Thanks to everyone who collaborated on the album! All the song-writters, producers, and helpers who worked with us during those days in the studio!" Kevin added.
"A big thanks to our sponsors too, who helped us making the Into The Millennium tour! We're really happy to make this tour and we hope we'll be able to come back in Europe soon!" Aj started. "Even if it's not really for this award, I'd like to thanks our choregrapher and all the dancers and the musicians who are working with us right now! We love ya all!" he said.
"And of course thanks to everyone who bought the album! Without you we wouldn't be on the stage right now! Thanks you all!" Howie said. The guys left the stage with their awards in their hands.
"Ooh...Nicky didn't have the chance to talk..." Becky pouted.
"The guys don't let him talk... he's too stupid!" Ashley laughed.
"You're so nasty Ash!" Stacey exclaimed.
"No...I love him...he's my little baby... but...he's stupid!"
"He could just go there and thank God too...." Stacey said.
"He can't... " Naomie said.
"And why?" Becky asked.
"Because he's not catholic!" she laughed.
"Yeah... he told me!" Naomie said.
" that's what you two are doing together? You're talking about religion??" Becky exclaimed with a huge grin.
"Yeah that's it.." Naomie said rolling her eyes.
"Oooh... it's the end!" Carly pouted watching the show ended.
"Backstreet Boys!!!! Backstreet Boys!!!!" Becky yelled.
"Shut up Beck!" Ashley laughed.
"I think I'll go back to my room..." Becky giggled getting up. "Ouch.... my head is hurting...."
"Um...I wonder why...maybe because you drank a whole bottle of wine for yourself?" Naomie teased getting up too.
"You got it!" she laughed.
"Okay girl...let's go sleep! Nighty night girls!!!" Stacey said.
The girls all left Ashley's room and went to their rooms. The boys arrived in the middle of the night, after the party that MTV was holding.
*The Next Day*
It was in the afternoon and the crew was at the stadium for a rehearsal. It was their last concert that night and they wanted it to be really cool. In two days was going to be the charity event with Elton John and after they'd leave Europe and get back in America.
"Hey Fatima...who will replace Amber tonight??" Aj asked.
"Oh yeah! Well I'll tell you all now!" she answered. "I found another dancer but because there's only one concert left, I'll dance with ya tonight!"
"Cool!" Aj shouted.
"But the new dancer will be in the audience tonight! She was dancing with LFO... and they are in Europe too... but they don't need dancers anymore so she'll be working with you after your month off..." Fatima explained.
"What's her name?" Becky asked.
"Her name is Alika... she's from Florida...You'll probably have the chance to meet her tomorrow or tonight after the concert.." Fatima said. "Okay now...let's get started!!"
They rehearsed for a while and everything was going pretty great. There was less tension on the stage because Amber was gone but it was obvious that Brian and Nick weren't talking to each other. Nick was trying to avoid Brian because he was tired to get shit on him. He had lost hope of being Brian's friend again. Brian was too stubborn and was always yelling at him. During all the rehearsal, Nick was thinking about the new dancer. Alika.... that name was souding familiar to him but he couldn't see why.
An hour before the concert, Nick was sitting backstage. He was alone and was waiting for his turn to get his hair done. He was playing with his Game Boy when someone patted him on the shoulder.
"Hey Nick!" Richards said sitting next to him.
"Oh hey Rich! What's up?" he said closing his game. Since him and Rachel weren't together anymore, he wasn't talking really often to her father. He was scared that Richards could be angry at him.
"Hum...nothing much! What about you?"
"Same here.." Nick replied. He paused for a short while. " is going Rachel?" he surprised hiself asking.
"Actually...she's doing really bad.."
"What??" Nick exclaimed.
"I'm kidding!" Richards laughed. "Nah she's alright! I've already seen her happier but she'll get over it.."
"I'm really sorry..."
"Don't be! That's why I wanted to talk to you... " Richards started. "You know...I'm not mad at you because you broke up with her! I knew it from the start that your relationship wouldn't last long... I've warned her to not get involve with you but... she didn't listen to me..." he chuckled. "I would have been more angry at you if you would have run after her but she wanted to get with you so... "
"Well..I'm sorry... I should have think a little bit more before to ask her out...." Nick sighed. "I really did like her...I swear... but maybe not as much as I thought..."
"I understand Nick! You're not oblige to avoid me because you aren't together anymore! I'm not angry with you!" Richards said. "I hate working with people when they are avoiding me or whatever!"
"I know..I don't really like it either!" Nick giggled. 'But it seems like I'll have to get use to it..' he thought feeling that Brian was going to be angry for a while.
"You're okay now? You'll talk to me?" Richards asked.
"Yeah sure!" Nick laughed.
"Because I really like giving you tricks to play drum!!" he exclaimed.
"Yeah and I like to know your advices! But I haven't really felt like playing drum lately... "
"You know, it's a good way to let out your anger!" Richards said getting up.
"Yeah...thanks Rich!" Nick smiled.
"No problem! See ya on stage!" he replied leaving.
The concert started an hour later. As usual, it was amazing. The fans were completely getting nuts. Brian and Nick were always away from each other and weren't looking at each other but no one seem to care. During Back To Your Heart, Nick sang his part and looked in the audience. That's when he saw a huge poster written 'Frick And Frack 4ever!!' and beside there was a big picture of Brian and him. He looked away feeling tears forming in his eyes. He wanted to say to get those signs away and throw them in the garbage. A while later the concert ended and all the crew headed back to the hotel.
When they walked in, a young girl was talking to Aj's mother in the lobby. As soon as he saw her, Nick reconized who she was.
"Shit!" he whispered looking carefully at the young girl to be sure that it was the one he thought.
"What's wrong?" Naomie asked staring at him.
"Nothing..." he sighed.
"Hey you guys!" Fatima shouted. "Come here! I'd like you too meet Alika...our new dancer!"
The boys and girls all welcomed her well and seemed to like her pretty much. Nick walked up to her and put a smile on his face.
"Hey Alika..." he said.
"Hey Nick!" she smiled. "How ya doing?"
"I'm alright... so you'll work with us now?" he asked trying to sound happy.
"Looks like it!" she exclaimed. "Everyone seems so nice!"
"Yeah..." he replied.
"I think it'll be fun to work together...don't ya think?"
"I don't know..." he said seriously.
"Ah come on! We had fun together no?" Alika said not too loud.
"Um...yeah..." Nick sighed again. He didn't like to have her around.
"You two know each other?" Naomie asked walking up to them.
"Yup!" Alika smiled again.
"How come?"
"She used to be one of Mandy's dancer..." Nick said thinking about those old days.
"Oh I see..." Naomie stared at Nick. He looked so weird. She couldn't tell if he was happy to see Alika or not. Maybe something had happened between those two...Naomie felt a little of jealousy but she shook her head thinking that she was freaking out at anything. But it's true Alika was really pretty and she had seen all the guys looking at her.
"Why are you with LFO now??" Nick asked.
"Was with LFO..." she corrected him with a giggle. "Well, Mandy went in the studio to record and she took time off so... when LFO offered me a job... I took it! But now..I have a better one.." she smiled.
"Yeah you'll see it's really fun!" Naomie exclaimed.
"I have no doubts about that...." Alika said with a little smile looking at Nick.
*A little later, in Stacey and Naomie's room*
"So Nam..what do you think about Alika?" Stacey asked from the bathroom as she put her pajama on.
"She looks nice! I haven't talked a lot with her so I can't really tell..." Naomie replied laying on her bed.
"Well... I hope she won't be any trouble!" Stacey said getting out of the bathroom and jumping on her bed.
"Don't you think there's enough troubles between the guys right now?"
"Yeah...and it sucks!" Naomie sighed. "I hate it! I always feel like they're gonna fight..."
"Yeah I know...but I'm sure things will get back at normal soon... anyway, they have a month to think about it..."
"Yeah..." Naomie nodded. After a moment of silence, Stacey stared at Naomie with a huge grin. "What??"
"You have a little crush on Nick don't you??" Stacey asked.
"Me? No!" she replied a little too fast.
"I don't believe you!" Stacey laughed. "Okay...maybe you don't like him but... you two are pretty close these days aren't you?"
"We're friends! That's all!" Naomie defended with a little smile.
"That's always how it start..." Stacey said.
"Like you should talk miss I'm-leaving-at-Kevin's-house-but-he's-just-a-friend!!" Naomie laughed. "Are you suppose to be that close with one of your boss?"
"Shut up!" Stacey chuckled. "He's...he's a friend...."
"Yeah right!" Naomie laughed. "What were you doing yesterday when I came in?"
"I'm sure I interrupted something...didn't I?" Naomie grinned.
"Um...yeah maybe..." Stacey smiled.
"I knew have a thing for Kevin..." she sang like a little girl.
"That's not what I said... "
"Ah come on! I know you do! And you look so cute together!!! I'm sure he does have a thing for you too.." Naomie said seriously.
Stacey tried to hide her happiness. That's what she wanted to hear since a while. She knew what she was feeling for Kevin but she was so scare to show him because she didn't know if it was reciprocal. And she didn't know if it would be a good thing to get into a relationship with him. He was a artist and she knew enough how artists were. But he seems so different than the others.
"Now I know you do have a big thing for him!" Naomie said.
"Huh???" Stacey said getting back on earth. "How come?"
"You're staying there, lost in your thoughts with this stupid smile accross your face!"
"Ah Shut up!" she laughed.
"What are you waiting for?? Tell him how you feel!" Naomie said.
"And tell me...what are YOU waiting for?" Stacer asked with a smile. Naomie didn't answer and layed her head on the pillow.
"Good night Nam!" Stacey smiled closind the lights.
"Good night!"
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