chapter 46
It was now around 10:00 pm and everybody went back to their home for a good night of sleep only Naomie who had fallen asleep on the chair next to Nick was still at his side. By the time Naomie was asleep Nick had woke up.He was feling better now even tough his legs were still hurting.The medication they were giving him was really helping him with the pain.
When Nick woke up he looked over the chair and saw Naomie asleep.He didn't wanted to wake her up cuz she seemed to tired lately. She haven't talked a lots and he could tell she was upset cuz of the accident. She helped him a lot when Brian was mad at him and he truly appreciate it. He remembered the night he passed with her and the rest of the fellas at Howie's Club the night before his accident... and how nice her voice sounded the night of the accident. He looked at he closed eyes when he noticed that she seemed upset, like she was having a nightmare. She was shaking and moaning something that Nick couldn't understand. He then noticed a tears rolling on he checks.
"Naomie??Naomie wake up it's ok baby!Nam??"Nick said trying to wake her up, he reached her leg.
"Oh My god!"She cried when she finally woke up out of breath, she put her head in her hands and tried to stop crying
"Sweetheart it's ok it's finish it's over now!" Nick said trying to comfort her, he rubbed her leg slowly looking at her
"I'm sorry...Oh god!"she whispered when she looked up trying to fix the little touch of make up she was wearing.
"Shhh don't be sorry it's ok! It's all over now! It was a nightmare!" He said with a slight smile.
"A nightmare ...yeah..." she sight when she felt tears coming to her eyes again
"Come here!" He said moving to the edge of the bed to give her space
"I can't ..."
"Why not?"
"No I can't... I'll hurt you If I go too close to you..."
"What?!"Nick laughed
"It's just in me when I get to close to someone the person, get hurt!" she said looking down
"What?? you won't hurt me"
"What If I touch your leg or your head ... now you'll get hurt even more cuz of me..."
"Naomie Dammit come here you won't hurt me!With all those medication an elephant could seat on my legs and I wouldn't feel a thing!" He said looking at her "Come on!"
She sighed and hesitated for a minute... she knew she would feel better in his arms... but she didn't wanted to hurt him.But she needed his arms so badly that she couldn't resist and went in the bed next to him she lay at his side and put her head on his shoulder.He put his arms around her and played with her hair.He feeled her fragile and knew she was about to cry he wasn't feeling strong himself but to feel her so fragile like this it was making him feel stronger.
"Wanna talk about it?!" was all he could say.
"I don't know..."
"It's like you want... I'm here If you need to talk... like you were for me!" he said softly.
'If only I could tell you...If only I knew how to tell you...'she tought "Thank you Nick... but I don't really know what I could say..."
"Ok baby! It's up to you I understand! I know how is a nightmare!" He said looking at the ceilling.
"Yeah I bet you do!"Naomie said half laughing.
"You look so tired..." he said worrying about her
"Oh I am!" she exclamed
"Why didn't you go to your house for the night?!" he asked
"I'm ok here..."
"I know you've past all days and nights here since the accident.... I don't deserve that Naomie. I don't want you to get burn out, you need to sleep to eat to take some fresh air!"
"I can't help it... I can't get out of here... I've tried.... I.... " she started.
"You?!" Nick questionned
"Noting... I just can get out of here..."
"It's boring here man Nam comon!" He laughed
"well... I have nothing else to do and... someone has to be with you to change your mind!"
"Humm fact!"
"Well at least you don't have to past the night here I'm sleeping! something that you should do too!"
"Yeah tomorow maybe!" she said
"Not Maybe ,you will!" he laughed
"Ok ok like you want!" she giggled
"But for tonight I want to you sleep here!"
"I'll move and I'll hurt you I know it!" she said half asleep
"PUH-leeze don't start again... It doesn't matter If you hurt me tought... I want you to feel alright..." he said taking the hair from her face away
"I feel alright.." she said as her eyes close
"I feel it to... good night sweetie!" he said kissing her check and holding her tight
"Night..." she said... falling right away asleep
During the next days, Nick was starting to get better and was going to start working out for his leg soon. They wanted him to rest a little before to start anything. He passed a lot of tests to make sure everything would be alright and it was looking good for now. His brother and sisters came to see him often but Aaron had a tour going on and even if he didn't really feel like touring, he had no choice. But there was always someone with Nick. They all didn't want to leave him alone. On Saturday, the guys had a the press conference about the accident and the tour. They went to the hospital with the girls before to talk a little about what they were going to say. Brian finally decided to go with them for the press conference but didn't want to talk too much. He was feeling better now that Nick was okay so he didn't mind in going.
"So, do you want us to tell everything about the accident or what!?" Aj asked.
"Say whatever you want to...I don't really care. But anyway, they already knew I've had an accident.." Nick answered.
"Yeah well it's a rumour. But what I think we should say is that you got an accident...but we're not oblige to give a lot of details about it. We can just say you've been involved in an car accident... but that you are alright right now. And we cancel the tour because you need time to rest and your legs got touched a bit." Aj said.
"A bit..yeah.." Nick sighed.
"Come'll be alright!" Becky replied. "We'll be there for you!"
"I know!" he said with a weak smile.
"Ok getting back to our business... is it okay??" Aj asked.
"Yeah yeah!"
"It's the first time Aj takes things seriously... it's weird..." Howie laughed.
"That's because you've got something else in mind!" Nick joked glancing at Stacey.
"Hey! I have nothing to do with this!" Stacey giggled as Kevin wrapped his arms around her.
"Well...we should go now guys if we don't want to late and finish this fast.." Howie said standing up.
"You sure you'll be alright with all those girls around?" Aj asked with a grin.
"No problem man!" Nick grinned back. "I'll take care of them!"
"You better!" Howie laughed.
"Okay see you later!" Kevin said as the 4 boys left the room.
*At the press conference*
The four boys walked on the little stage. The room was crowded by medias from everywhere around the world. As soon as the sat down, everyone started asking questions at the same time.
"Wait please. They will be able to answer your questions only if it's one at a time!" the man who present them said. "Ok... " he added when everyone went silent. "Before the questions, the guys would like to say something."
"Yeah thank you." Kevin said. "First, you are probably all here to ask us questions about the rumour that say the Nick was involved in a car accident. Well, it's a not a rumour.." he said. Everyone started talking at the same time again. "But...he is doing alright.."
"When everything happen???" a tall blonde woman asked.
"A week ago... but as I said, Nick is doing alright now. He'll have some troubles to walk because his legs got hurt but he will be okay if he work out well.." Kevin said.
"What happened? How did he get this accident?" someone else asked.
"He missed a stop sign and a van ran into him.." Aj explained.
"Is true that before the accident, you and Nick were mad at each other??" a guy asked looking at Brian.
"Pardon me?" Brian said. He didn't know that rumour was going on. He looked at the other guys to see what he should say. He thought he'd be better if he wouldn't talk about it. Because anyway, it was over now. The reporter asked again the question and Brian decided what to say. "Well, we did had a little fight but... he's like my brother's not unusual.." he said. He didn't know why the man was asking him this question but he didn't want to say the real reason of their fight.
"And what about tour??? Does Nick will be able to do it? Or you'll do it without him?"
"We will have to cancel it. We're really sorry but we have no choice. We could do it without him but a whole tour without Nick... it won't be the same thing. It's not like he will miss one or two concerts. He'll miss all of them. So, we will take this time to write and work on our next album..." Howie explained.
"We know it's not fair for the fans who wanted to see us and we are really sorry. But I'm sure they will understand that it's for Nick's health." Kevin added.
"Will you do another tour later? In the Summer or Falls?"
"We will have to talk about it. And we'll have to see if Nick is doing better. If he is, maybe we'll do a short one during the summer." Aj said. "But we can't say anything for now.."
The conference continued for a short while with usual questions about touring and girlfriends. But a lot of people were asking questions about Nick's accident but they didn't want to answer all of them. When it was over, the boys got back at the hospital.
When they walked in Nick's room, Nick was asleep and the girls were all talking about something that was sounding funny.
"Look at that... look how they tired him off!!!" Aj exclaimed entering in the room. "We can't leave them alone with one guy... we never know what they can do to him!"
"Yeah... with all we've done to him...he's probably back in coma!" Becky jocked as they all laughed.
"What a lucky buddy!" Aj laughed as he walked up to Becky and kissed her.
*The Next Day*
Becky woke up with a smile as she felt Aj's body next to her. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled again at the sight of his boyfriend sleeping. He was always so cute when he was sleeping. She admired the man she loved so much. She never thought she would end up with Aj. She knew he had always been a player but she felt that it was different with her. She didn't know why though. She didn't care, she was in love and that was all. She cuddled up closer to him and kissed him lightly on the lips. Without opening his eyes, he hugged her tighter.
"Morning.." he said.
"Good morning sleepy head!" she whispered, all smile.
Aj finally opened his eyes and stared at the beautiful girl smiling at him. He was feeling so happy with her. He never thought he would feel this way for a girl. A little before he had met her, he had lost hope of meeting the right girl. But now it was different. His feelings were strong. He really loved her and knew he would do anything to make her happy. He knew she was happy right now, and he was too. He smiled back at her and brushed some hair away from her face.
"How are you doing?" she asked him.
"I'm always feeling great when I'm next to you baby!" he replied, really sincere. Becky's smile got wider as she kissed him passinately. As the kiss went more and more passionate, Aj rolled on the top of her. "I love you!" he said, staring right in her eyes.
"I love you too!" Becky said back before they kissed again. They made love like it was their first time; caressing, kissing and discovering each other's body. They then stayed in bed for a while, enjoying to be together and holding each other tight. They finally decided to get up and walked down the stair to breakfast.
"Holy shit!!!!!" Becky shouted looking at little calendar on the refrigerator.
"What's wrong???" Aj asked coming beside her.
"Is December 23th really today??"
"hum...yes it is.."
"Christmas is in 2 days?????"
"Yes it is!" Aj laughed at her girlfriend's reaction.
"Are you laughing???" she asked.
"Why are you so upset?"
"I didn't buy any gifts yet!!!! What am I gonna do???" she almost screamed.
"Go shopping today!" Aj replied like it was nothing.
"I have no choice!! How can you look so calm? Don't tell me you bought all the gifts you wanted to???"
"Not all...but a big part."
"You're kidding? How? When?" she asked surprised.
"None of your business sweetheart!" he laughed.
"What?!? Tell me, where did you get the time to shop??" she exclaimed.
"That's my secret... sorry! Can't tell ya!" he grinned.
"Arg!! I won't have time! I only have a day and it's already noon!!!" she said getting back at her problem.
"It will be alright!" Aj reassured her, wrapping his arms around her.
"No!" she almost screamed as Aj laughed again. "Don't laugh !" she said, turning back to face him.
"I'm not laughing!" he said trying not to. "Okay...changing subject, are we still going to my mom's Tuesday night?"
"Yes sure! I can't wait to see her again! She's so nice!" Becky said. She remembered her first day in the tour. The first person she had met was Aj's mom and she had liked her right away.
"I'm happy you like her. But it's true, she's nice!" he smiled thinking about his mom. "And when I am going to meet your family?"
"You sure you wanna do this?" Becky jocked.
"Hum... should I?"
"I'm not sure.... we're a little crazy in my family you know..." she grinned.
"Yeah I know... gotta live with it..." he jocked.
"Yeah...that's why you love me so much!"
"Yeah probably!" he giggled. "But getting back to your question...yes I'm ready to do it m'am!"
"Okay! Well, I was going to see them for the New Year. I'd be please if you'd like to join me!"
"Great! We're going to New Jersey! Hurray!!!" he cheered, bouncing.
"I hope you'll like them... but I'm pretty sure you'll get along great with my parents. They are nice to my boyfriends...usually..." she laughed. "And my brother is a sweetheart. He's the best. I'm sure you'll get along great with him!"
"That's wonderful!" Aj said. "I can't wait! I'm sure we'll have a good time."
"I hope so!" Becky laughed. "Damn...look at the time! I gotta call the girls to see if they'd like to go shopping with me!"
"And I gotta call the boys before, to tell them they'll be ruined at the end of the day!"
"Ahaha! You're so funny!"
"I know, that's why you love me!" he grinned.
Becky smiled as a response and walked to the phone. She called all the girls and they all agreed to meet at the mall.
Around 1:30pm, they were all there waiting for Carly.
"We're always waiting for Carly!!!!" Becky whined.
"That's right... she's always late!" Ashley added. "I guess Howie is worth it!"
"Ah Ashley!" Stacey laughed.
"What? I'm just saying that everyone is thinking..." Ashley replied with a huge smile.
"We'll have to ask her if he's really worth it!" Becky jocked.
"I will ask her...who knows... " Ashley said.
"You're crazy!" Naomie replied.
"We're not crazy... we're just... we're just... well, yeah I guess we are crazy!" Becky said before to crack up with Ashley. Naomie rolled her eyes with a smile. They were always making fun of everyone. But she was happy to be with them again like they used to. Go shopping and have fun. They haven't done that for a long time.
"What the hell is she doing???" Becky said, impatient. "I only have one day to buy gifts and I have no idea what to buy!!!"
"Ok ok, I'm here...I'm here...sorry guys!" Carly said.
"It was about time!" Becky shouted rolling her eyes at her.
"Sorry!!! sorry!!" Carly said apologing.
"It's okay. We can understand...well, we have our answer I think Beck...Howie's really worth it!" Ashley jocked.
"What??!?" Carly asked wide eyes as the four others bursted into laughter. "What is Howie doing into this?"
"Nothing...we just never thought he would... well that he was....such... " Becky paused.
"Such a what??"
"Such a... " Becky said but she was going into a fit of laughter. Carly stared at the other, not understanding anything that was going on.
"Such a SEX MACHINE!" Ashely shouted before to crack up as did the others.
"What????!?!? What are you guys talking about????" Carly asked confused.
"Come can tell us he's the one who made you late? Huh??? Tell us...we want details!" Stacey said entering in the game.
"What?" Carly laughed. "No ... I wasn't even with him!"
"Damn!!! That's too bad! I was finally gonna respect him..." Becky pouted, jocking.
"Shut up Beck!" Carly laughed. "Didn't you have gifts to buy??"
"Shit! Yeah that's right! Let's go!!" Becky shouted.
The girls shopped all day long, having fun and laughing their asses off. They finally decided to go back home at 7pm. They were exhausted by this day. Becky had bought all her presents...except the most important one, Aj's gift. She had no idea what to buy him. It looked like he had everything. She thought that a shopping day would help her to find an idea... but it haven't. She came back home a little a sad. But at least, she had bought all the gifts for her family and almost all her friends. She had spotted some things for her friends but couldn't buy them since they were with her. She headed back to Naomie's uncle house with only Naomie since Ashley was going to her boyfriend's home. When they got home, there was message on the answering machine. Naomie walked to the phone and pressed the button.
"Hey beautiful ladies!" Aj's voice was heard. "My message goes unfortunately only to one of you... she know who she is..."
"That's me!" Naomie jocked. Becky grinned at her and made a sign to stop talking.
"...Well, lady of my life, if you would like to come and join me tonight... I would be pleased to wrapped you in my arms tonight and ... I will be your slave, just ask me whatever you want!!" he continued.
"Oh God..he should be careful to what he is saying..." Becky laughed.
"...Anyway...if you would like to be with me tonight... as much as I'd like to be with me back please... or just come by my window and lay down beside me... " he said chuckling. "...ok me back please. I miss you. Love ya babe!"
"How cute!" Naomie teased her friend.
"What? It is... he's so great..." Becky replied.
"You really love him don't you?"
"Yeah defenitly.. " Becky smiled at her friend.
"That's great. You look so happy. I'm really happy for you!" Naomie smiled back as they hugged friendly.
"Thanks! You actually look happier too... "
"I am! Nick is okay and... that's all I wanted!" Naomie said as she sat down.
"I know. That's great. You don't mind that...I mean...he's not... loving you back?" Becky said not too sure if she should ask this question. Naomie just lift her shoulders like she didn't really care.
"Well... I do care but... I'm having him as a friend now...a good friend. And maybe that's for the best. And if something has to happen between will. It might just take time. We'll see." Naomie replied.
"Good. At least you see things positively! But I don't get why he doesn't love are so nice to him...I'm sure he will fall for you soon or later. You two are getting so great together and.... you actually look good together too!" Becky smiled.
"Oh well... thanks...I guess!" Naomie giggled.
"Do you mind if I call Alex?"
"No, no problem. Don't let him wait!" Naomie laughed. "Will you go to his house tonight?"
"Hum...well...would you mind?" Becky asked.
"No... go.." Naomie answered, trying to smile. She actually was feeling really lonely and didn't want her friend to go. But she could not hold her back here. She could see how in love Becky was with Aj and she knew they'd be happy if they'd be together. But another part of her didn't want Becky to leave. She was always alone in this house and she was getting tired of this.
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