*A Few Days Later*

A couple of days later, all of the fellas were in a new town with a new publics in a new auditorium. All of this was very exciting for Stacey cuz she never really travel with a group like them. Aj had change is hair color once more.When he asked Stacey to dye his hair she laughed at him thinking that that was certainly not the last time he would ask for this. By this time Rachel and Nick become really close.They were really good friend. Rachel asked her father if she could stay for the rest of the month. Everybody said yes with a big pleasure. All of the people liked Rachel..except maybe for Naomie who was a little jealous of her, cuz she was close to Nick. But she knew that she had to accept the thing like they were. She couldn't change Nick's feeling...he didn't even know that she had a crush on him...well if we can call this a crush. She knew that she had feeling for him but she didn't think that this was love.. but she cared about him and she thought that he was the georgous 20 years old boys she ever seen in a while.

That night, the girls decided to go in Becky and Naomie's room for a night girl so they could talk about guys and have fun. And the boys planned to go clubbing a little. There was no concert that night so they all wanted to have fun.

*In The Girl's Room*

"A girl night huh?!?! do you do this often?!?!"asked Stacey when she entered in the room.

"Well when we can!!" laugh ashley "not often!!!"

"I see ... it's really hard to travel like this!!" replied Stacey while she was seating on the bed.

"Ho yeah!! especially with those guys!!!"said Ashley laughing

"Dammit!!!"exclamed Becky entering in the room

"What's wrong girl?!?"asked Amber

"Nothing!!!"answered Becky

"Hoho... did I.."started Amber

"Nah!!Not you...." said Becky

"What is going on?!?"asked Carly

"nothing..just forget about my entrace ok?!"

"Humm well ok... Hey somebody saw Rachel??!"continued Carly

"Yeah I just saw her with Nicky!!!"said Ashley

"Ho With Nicky what a suprise!!!"replied Stacey giggling.."I never though"

"bla bla bla" tought Naomie to herself..she just couldn't handle the fact that she will stand here all night listen to Rahcel telling them howw muchhh she likes Nick...

"Hey Rachel!! Cutie tell me was Nick who makes you late?!?!"asked Amber when Rachel walked in the room

"Haa we're just friends!!!"said Rahcel blushing

"For Now..hehe !!" replied Carly.They all know that Rachel liked Nick and Nick liked her too.That was just a question of time to get this two together."So Did he kiss you yet?!?! continued Carly.

"No!!"answered Rachel a little shy.

"Really?!?! and you never kissed him?!?!"asked Aslhey confused

"No I tell you we're just friends"

"Ho comon Rach... you're more than friend we know it" laughed Amber

"We never kissed and... you know I think we're just close as friend... we talk together we... have fun... Not this kind of fun..."said Rachel giggling ..."I never imagine him like this"

"Like what?!?! A normal boy?!?!Well this is what he is" said Naomie

"No... I mean he is so attentive...and so sensitive you know what I mean you guys know him more than I do!!!"

"Yeah we know him but he don't talk with us like this... It seems that he really likes you!!"said Aslhey "You see I know him since he's 10 years old and he never told me things like he seems to tell you!!". Ashley always knew Nick because they were living in the same neighbourhood. They were friends but not really close friends.

"humm it's probably just because we understand each other...I don,t know..."

"You girl have stars in your eyes...and you know what this mean?!?" said Stacey looking in Rachel's eyes

"Hummm no!!!"replied Rachel sure of herself

"It's mean that you're in love darling!! I reconize those eyes" said Stacey smilling

"I..No..I...I'm not In love..."said Rahcle confused of what her friend just said.

"Yes You are!!!"confirmed Stacey

"I can see it too ya know...look at your in the mirror...you're so beautiful by love..your smile and your eyes tell everybody that... you're in love!!!"said Carly

"Comon Girls..."said Rachel looking at all the poeple in the room waiting that one of them would tell that Stacey and Carly are wrong.

"I completly agree with them!!!"said Amber

"I do too..sorry" laughed Aslhey

"then nobody is on my side?!?!"asked Rachel

"Nah!!!"answered Stacey Smilling...

"Ok so tell me, do you girls have a crush on someone???" asked Rachel trying to change subject. "Nick isn't the only boy on tour..."

But before someone could answer, someone knocked on the the door and they all started laughing.

"Saved by the knock on the door!!" said Carly laughing.

"I'll go get it!!"said Ashley getting up from her chair..she ran to door and open it.

"What you want?!?!"she asked smilling

"Hey Well the night is going great?!?!"Brian asked

"Yup..but you didn't tell me what you wanted!!!"

"I want a kiss!!"replied Brian really serious.

"You... Brian humm you know.. I.." said Ashley confused

"Not from you...from Her!"he said pointing at Amber who was inside the room

"I should have know it... Dammit!!"Laugh Aslhey.."Amber seems like someone can't live a minute withtout you here!!!"screamed Aslhey as she came into the room

"Hoo and who is it?!?" said Amber giggling

"Mickey mouse!!!"said Alshey trying to be serious,Amber started to laugh and when she pass the door and she saw her boyfriend with a rose in is hand she just couldn't imgaine he would to that someday.

"Hey sweetie!"she said looking at him

"There you are!! I missed you so much I couldn't wait until tomorrow morning to see your beautiful smile" he said giving her the rose.

"Ho that's so sweet!!!"she said smelling the flower with a huge smile.

"Can I ask you for s kiss before I go to bed?!!?!"asked Brian with a 5 years old voice.

"Sure you can..."she said getting closer to him. Brian wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately.He never wanted to let her go away from him, she was so good for him."I love you"he said getting a little apart, his eyes was still closed.

"I love you too"she replied softly

"I'll let you for you girl night... Good Night baby, sweetdreams. I'll see ya later or tomorrow "he said with this sexy smile.

"Night Honey!! I'll see ya later! "Said amber coming Back into the room with a huge smile.

"Love is in the air..lalalal" sang Carly while she was dancing and looking at Amber.

"hahahaha Yeah you said it!!!"laugh Amber smelling the rose one more time

"Haww he's so sweet!!he gave you this?!?"asked Becky

"Yup he did!!! He is a sweetheart" answered Amber smilling

"Well well well... you see Rach... that what you looks like when Nick is around!!!"confirmed Stacey

"Can they shout their fucking mouth about Nick for a second... Like it was just about him"tought Naomie.

"Ho god.." said Rachel looking at the floor embarassed

"Ho comon...tell us!!!"bessech Carly

"Tell you what??!?"

"That your in love with him come on!"replied Aslhey

"awwww!!!Alright Alright...maybe I have a crush on him but.."started Rachel

"Haaaaa I knew it!!!"exclamed Ashley. They all exclamed..except for Naomie ...After a couple of minute the others girls were just talking about him. Naomie just couldn't handle it so she excuse herself and ran to the bathroom.

"Ho Gosh .. Sorry I'll go for her!!"said Becky going to the bathrrom

"honey you ok?!?!"she said oppening the door. She find her bestfriend seating on the floors with tears rooling from her green eyes. "Hey Girl comon don't let this destroy you!!"Becky wrapped her friend her arms tying to reconfort her.

"I just can't... I mean I never thought that I would feel something like this for him..but when I hear this ...uhhhhh!!" screamed Naomie trying to control herself

"shhh listen to me... If you really love him you have to fight... but if your not sure of the feeling that you have for him you better listen to your heart and be sure... we talk about love here comon Nam... don't give up like this!!!"

"Beck.. I just... I'm so confused... I.. "replied Naomie...while she was talking the light all turned off and the room was all dark..."What's that?!?!"asked Naomie gettin up on her foot.

They both came back to the bedroom where all the girls were.

"Did somebody play with the light.. it's not funny I'm scared int the dark"said Rachel really scared

"Then I could kill her"wishperead Naomie to Becky

"shhh"laugh Becky.

Then the girls sceamed when they saw the door open and some people entered in the room silently.

"Who is it!?!?!?" shouted Amber.

No answer. There were people in the room and they didn't know who it was.

"What is going on???" asked Stacey. "Who's in the room???"

"Hey come on that's not funny!!!!" said Becky getting upset.

The girls were all scared because they didn't who was in the room with them. They didn't see anything because of the darkness.

"That's really not funny!!!!!" said Rachel scared to death.

"Damnit!!!" Becky said now upset.

Suddently we heard screamed all over the room. The girls were getting tickled by the strangers of the room.

"Whoever it is, stop it please!!!!" shouted Rachel laughing in the same time.

"I'm the ghost who haunt your dreams!!!!" whispered the man in her ears what made her laughed louder. She then reconized Nick's voice.

"Nick!?!? Stop it!!!" she laughed trying to get off his arms.

Naomie, who wasn't tickle started running in the room to find the emergency light. And then Bang!!! She collined with the wall and fell on the floor.

"Shit!!!Where is this damn light!!" she said to herself. She continued walking in the room to find the light. She knew that the 5 boys were in the room now and felt really mad that no one was paying attention to her. She knew that they were only 5 boys for 7 girls but that didn't matter. None of the guys went to her and it makes her feel really sad. She was hearing Rachel screaming Nick's name what made her feel even more upset.

"Nick!!!!! Stop!!!!!" Rachel said another time.

"Oh so you want me to stop huh?!?!?" he said with a smile.

"Yeah!!!!" she shouted.

Then Naomie didn't hear Rachel laugh or anything. She was only hearing the other girls yelling and laughing their asses off. She finally founded the light and turned it on. What she saw totally shocked her.

Brian, Howie, Kevin, Aj and Nick were the one who were in the room, like she thought... but when she saw Nick kissing Rachel passionnately, she ran away of the room really upset. The girls all got mad when they saw the boys but they all shut up and stop moving when they saw the 2 other kissing.

"huh-hum!!!!!!!" said Brian really loud.

Nick and Rachel got apart... realizing that everyone were looking at them, they both blushed feeling stupid to be caught. They weren't talking, both too shy to say anything.

"Sorry to stop you guys..." laughed Amber. "I can't believe you did that Brian!!! how could you?? we were scared to death!!!" she said looking at his boyfriend and trying to change subject to let Nick and Rachel breath a little.

"It was so funny to hear you guys scream!!!" he said laughing.

"Look I don't think it's funny at all! Someone could have been hurt in this darkness!!!" shouted Becky who was really mad at Aj. He was holding her in his arms...welll... she was prisoner of his arms.

"Aj!! let me go please!!!!" she said for the zillion time.

"Naaahhh!! Why are you so rude?? This isn't the great time of the month huh!?!?" he said before to shout a loud evil laugh.

"Shut up!!!!!" she said while she hit him in the stomach. She jumped on her feet and ran out the room to see if Naomie was alright. She didn't care that Nick was kissing Rachel but she was worried about her friend. She knew Naomie liked him more than a little crush.

"Ouch!! Don't be so violent!" he said still laughing.

"Well, I think I'll go now..." said Rachel feeling really unconfortable with what just happened. Well, she was under the shock... she really enjoyed Nick's lips on hers, she never thought it'd do that like this with everyone around... it suprised her a lot and was very happy but what made her shy is that all the others saw them.

"I'll go with you!" said Nick with a huge smile on his face. God he liked this kiss. He just wanted to have more. "Calm down, it's only a kiss man!" he thought. The 2 left the room, not talking a lot. In the room, the other started laughing.

"He'll always surprise me!!!" Brian said smiling.

"They looked so embarassed!!!" added Amber. "Poor little girl! She's probably feeling so bad!!"

"It was about time!!!" shouted Aj. "We all knew there was something between them!"

Ashley was on the bed, laughing her ass off. Because she was there, the boys didn't get to her. She didn't have stop laughing since Naomie turned on the light.

"What are you laughing at???" asked Howie still tickeling Carly.

"That was so hilarious!!! you should have seen you girls!!"

"You wouldn't have laugh if they'd have tickle you. Aren't you the one who hate to be tickle???" Carly said looking at the boys with a strange look.

"Don't even think about it..." Ashley ansewered.

The 4 boys stop tickling their prisoners and looked at each other with some stranges looks.

"No... please..." Ashley trying to not laugh.

"Go!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Brian.

Aj, Brian, Howie and Kevin jumped on the bed and started tickling Ashley who was laughing and crying in the same time.

"Stop it please!!! I can't breathe!!" she shouted laughing.

All the girls on the floor were laughing too. "These guys are crazy!" thought Stacey. She was new on the tour but the guys we're acting like she'd always be there. When the boys entered in the room, Kevin went to her like they were old friend and that made her feel great.

After a while of torture on Ashley, the boys stopped, thinking it was about time to go to bed. Stacey, Kevin, Carly, Howie and Ashley all left together saying some stupid jokes.

"Well, I think we'll go now huh sweetheart???" asked Brian to Amber.

"Yeah let's go! Hey Bone...you should apologize to Becky man... you weren't really nice with her..."

"Yeah I know... I'll wait for her...bye guys!" Aj said.

Everyone left the room, leaving Aj alone, waiting for Becky to come back.

Becky ran after Naomie but she couldn't see where she was gone...after 5 minutes she finally saw her crying on the roof of the hotel. She was looking at the sky and tears was rolling all overher little face.Becky came beside her.

"You're falling Nam!"she said

"I don't want to..."answered Naomie crying even more "I just can't stop thinking about him...I'll never accept to fall in love with him Beck... he did nothing for this..."

"Shhh it's not you fault...you know Nam... love doesn't ask... it's just hit you and..you have to deal with it!"said Becky trying to reconfort her friend.

"Yeah But I'm so tired to fall for the wrong person.. he don't even know that I'm on this earth"

"Don't say that... You dance with him every night since 2 months... He knows who you are" replied Becky

"Yeah but he still prefer Rachel... he knows her since a weeks and he is in love with her...not with me... you know what hurt me the most... It's when he look in my eyes while we'redancing during the concert... he is so ... you should see his eyes... I know it's just for the show but it makes me feel so good... I just wish I could be the one he loves..."

"I hate see you hurt like this..."said Becky almost crying

"Don't... it's all about my life... one more time I'll just forget and move on... and everything will be ok in a month..don't worry about me.."said Naomie walking to the stairs

"No Nam... you can give up like this... I've tell you earlier... it's about love... you can't move on on a person that you love... You don't even know what he thinks about you... who knows maybe he loves you"

"He dont love me Becky Can't you see that he loves Rachel... He loves her not ME... Don't try to protect me.. I've been trough something like this... it's not the first time... I will survive don't worry about me..I can live without him.."cries Naomie ..

"I try to protect you Cuz I love you... you're my best friend Nam... I just hate to see you hurt like this..I wish I could do somthings"

"But you can't... I just wanna go sleep now please."bessech Naomie

"Alright... comon they're probably all gone because of the boys..."

"I follow you"

While they were walking to their room, Naomie tried to not cry and to think about something else.They finally got to their room and when Becky opened to door she just couldn't belive that he was still there!

"What are you still doing here?!?!" she asked upset.

"Humm I.. I was just there to see if Naomie was alright..."he said confused

"I'm ok... I..I"m just gonna go take a shower... Thank for asking Alex.."answered Naomie going to the bathroom

"So now you know she's alright you can go..."said Becky angry.

"Look I know you're upset because I tickled you and I scared you but comon... everybody laugh at this now..you're the only one still upset" said Aj feeling bad

"You should'nt do that... I was scared Alex... Can you just imagine how I was feeling when you touch my... it's make me feel so bad... I don't know if you remember what we just did a weeks ago but I do and... "screamed Becky getting really upset

"I do remember ..well..I do know what we did... "said Aj.

"Ok see now I'm really tired... humm will talk about it tomorow... ok.."

"alright.. I'll let you sleep.. I'm sorry one more time...Good night!!!"he said kissing her on the check

"good night..."she said suprise of the kiss...she watched him walked out the door.


Nick and Rachel were walking slowly and quiet in the hallway. They didn't know what to say to each other. Nick finally said something.

"I'm sorry if it embarassed you ... "

"It's alright... I didn't hate it you know... " she said smiling and suprise of what she was saying.

"You didn't??" he said with a cute smile. "So you wouldn't care if that happen again??"


They were now in front of the door of Rachel's room. They were looking to each other in the eyes, smiling. Then Nick got closer to Rachel and kissed her for the second time, even more passionately than the first one, wrapping his arms around her body. After a little while, Nick stopped the kiss slowly and looked at her in the eyes.

"Good night sweetie" he said all smiles. He didn't want to go but he didn't want to go to fast. He could feel that she wasn't use to be kissed like this.

"Good night little ghost...come to haunt my dreams tonight" she said smiling.

"Your nightmares or your dreams?" he asked wishing it'd be dreams.

"My sweetdreams ... make them more sweet!" she said giggling of shyness.

"I will!" he said giggling too. Then he walked away to his room, smiling even more. He really liked this girl.

Rachel ran into her room and jumped on her bed. "Oh my god!!!!!!!" she almost screamed. She never felt like this. This kiss was soooo great. She didn't kiss a lot of boys in her lifetime but she knew this one was the best she would ever have. She then fell asleep, dreaming of this kiss and her little ghost.

To Chapter 7

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