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Hi! Lots of people have asked me about which famous people have seen this site, and which magazines etc. I have been in, so here are my claims to fame for Catherine's Dreamland!!

My guestbook has been signed by:

Claire from Steps 'Hi Cathrine, believe it or not but its Claire here from Steps! We are all very honoured thatyou included a web page about us, especially H!Im glad you enjoyed our concert, people like you make us want to perform even more! I hope you like our new single Stomp, start learning the dance routine cause its going to be a great hit! Thanks Cathrine and Lisa can remember a banner saying Happy Birthday, she was chuffed! bye Cathrine love Claire (Steps)

Faye from Steps 'Hey catherineh, Claire told me about your page so I thought I'd take a look as well. Its great!! You have really worked hard on it. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! '

This site has been in:

Bliss, in the December issue, saying, 'Catherine Hall,14, from Kent, created her website only eight months ago. Called Catherine's Dreamland, its a brilliant site that gives insite into her world. Catherine's talents lie in poetry, hit-lists and freaky facts. "I'd tell anyone to have a go, its really fun and I've made loads of great friends all over the world through it." You can visit Catherine's site at:'

This website has also been in the magazine Jump; '...simply called Catherine's Homepage. Go there for lists (we love lists!) including some bizarre facts.Did you know that a duck's quack doesn't echo? Or that you can lead a cow up stairs but not down? You do now, web-fans.'
