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What will happen to all Leo's today?? Will Gemini's meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger?? Read your horoscope on my site. I don't know how accurate these are, I just got them off a site on horoscopes!!

There's a rash, impulsive part of your personality that just won't let go of a romantic notion, no matter how many hard knocks it receives. Feel free, this week, to pursue whatever excites and inspires you.

You are now entertaining attractive notions and contemplating enticing offers. You are also trying to ignore the existence of a pressing practical problem by kidding yourself that you are too new to a certain game to really know the score.Apply this experience and enhance it.

Much will boost your confidence soon, not just emotionally but in other areas of life too. Remember, as you finally begin to get what you want that, to keep it, you must keep on wanting it.

When Cancerians want something, whatever it may be, they insist that it represents their only one happiness in life. In doing so, they deny themselves many other perfectly viable sources of deep joy.

What you want is realism. You don't just want a relationship you can genuinely believe in, you want other areas of your life too, to be less fanciful and more reliable. The Sun's conjunction to Mercury suggests you can achieve this, provided you don't chase too many rainbows.

Virgos want, on the one hand, to stand back and be sensible yet have a passionate yearning to dive very deep into the world of mystery and magic.

Someone, somewhere, is being a little self-obsessed. Recognise as much without resenting it. It's a piece of information that could yet lead to a vital revelation. This in turn, could facilitate a course of action that leads to the ability to experience a much more rewarding future.

You have a tendency to become deeply, passionately excited about anything that engages your interest even a little. When you feel good about something or someone, you want to send all your energy in this direction. When you feel bad, you find it hard to entertain a mere misgiving. Your reaction is always profound.

Sagittarians are keen subscribers to the notion that ignorance is bliss. They are deeply inquisitive about matters and factors that don't have to involve them too directly but often prefer to let an element of mystery surround that which is closer to home.

If folk called the cops whenever a Piscean turned up late, the lines to 999 would be forever jammed. Capricorns though, value reliability and are also very fond of methods of measurement.You want to maximise your chances of comfort in love and in all areas of life, but try to be less judgemental.

Aquarians either run a mile from serious connection or hurtle towards it, determined to sacrifice all for the sake of an idealised goal. As with love, so too with enterprise. Mercury's conjunction to your ruler implies a chance soon to have both involvement and independence. Accept it!

No matter how cool you try to be, no matter how much detachment and indifference you feign, you only really have two emotional modes. "Head over heels" and "Not in the building." This same tendency to be either wildly gung ho or totally uninterested applies to other areas of life too.
