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I was getting bored of this page, so decided to give it a new look!! Here's a new...All about me!!

I am 15 years old and live in London, in England. I am a girl and my name is Catherine Hall. Okay, got the easy, boring stuff out of the way. I made this site, partly because I was interested in the net, partly to make new friends (which I have) from all over the world, and partly because all my friends had one. I know that sounds quite pathetic, and like I am a total sheep, but I'm not really.

I am quite a 'normal' person. I don't regularly go bungy jumping, have 196 cats, and I haven't been in the Guiness Book of Records at least fifty times. I mean come on, did you really expect that?? I think not. I have quite an average life (I get up, go to school etc.) but I have certain moments of stress (as everyone does!) I like animals, pop music, chatting with my friends, shopping and reading. I'm not going to put up a photo of myself cos some of my friends have had really bad experiences when they did that, but I have brown (but with chestnut highlights) curly hair, brown eyes and I like wearing quite comfortable clothes, but I dress up occasionally.

So know you have a small insight into my life. I want to be happy, a moderatly famous journalist, live in New York and have a lot of friends. Ciao!
