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I write some poetry, and I thought I'd put some up on my site to get people's views on it. Mail me with your opinion! This poem is called Memories.

Come think of all the joys you had,
Think of all the pleasant times,
The hopes and thoughts and all the dreams,
The cheerful carefreeness of life.

Memories will last for eternity,
Remember that, and more.
For photos fade and pictures go,
But memories never stray.

Think of good days, and the bad,
The days that made you cry,
Think of them as jewels, my friend,
‘Cause memories will not die.

Think of times when you grew up,
Those happy childhood days.
When Trouble and Fear were both unknown,
And you had all your dreams.

Remember when you could only cry,
When time was bad and hope was gone,
Forget not those days, for they will stay,
Beside you until the end.

Look back and remember love,
As if it still were here,
Now rest awhile and think again,
Of everything you’ve seen.
