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My Friends


My friends are a very important part of my life, so I thought I'd tell you about them. If you look at this page and you aren't on it yet, PLEASE don't feel offended - my page is still under construction, and you'll probably appear soon...... I'm not doing this in any kind of order of importance either...I'm doing it alphabetically! Big hugs to everyone!

Becky is my internet pal. She lives in America. We met on the net AGES ago, and still mail each other and chat whenever we can(time difference permitting!!).

Cathryn Daisy is also a net buddy. She lives in America too, and I write to her regularly. She's great, and we have a laugh talking about life, the universe and everything!

Christiane is my German exchange partner and we have a wicked time staying at each others houses!

Deepika is a school friend. She's really sweet and has the NICEST hair. SO not fair!!

Izzie is my longest-known friend whom I've known practically since I was a toddler!! She rox!

Jemma is CRAZY but we have a great time shopping in London!

My Mum is one of my best friends. I can talk to her about everything, and she always gives me the best advice. Love ya!

Nikki is my friend who I met on the net! We met up and now c each other loadz!

Saffron is a really wicked friend! We went to France together this year and had the BEST time!!

Sukhi is another school pal. She rox and we have such a laugh together!

I think that's about it. If I've temporarally forgotten you, send me an e-mail and I'll add you straight away! Sorry if I have.......
