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The Latest News!


I've decided to make a page for all my site's news! Keep looking at this page for everything that happens in my little corner of cyberspace!

My newest page is called 'Rhetorical Questions, and you can find it in the WWW section! Visit it for questions such as 'Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?'

I've created a new page of my banners, so if you want to link me, go ahead!!

I've done a big re-shuffle of all my pages, moving them into different locations. If you can't find something, look in my sitemap, or mail me!!

I have created a site map to show where everything is. You can find it on my main page, and in it, just click on a link and you'll go to that page!

I have made a page showing the cutest forward I have ever received. It is soooo sweet!! See it in the 'WWW' section!

There's a new quiz on my site: What's Your Website Style? Check it out to see what your internet style says about your personality!
