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Quiz: What's Your Website Style?

Here's a quick quiz for everyone who like surfing the web!!

1. When you go on a website, do you:
a. Randomly click every button
b. Work you way through every section, reading everything?
c. Look at stuff that appeals to you, and ignore the rest?

2. What do you do mainly on sites?
a. Sign up for anything and everything! b. Read the contents, then sign the guestbook.
c. Sign up for a few things which you want, then sign a message board or guestbook.

3. Which button do you use most when surfing?
a. The back button to go and see what you just clicked on.
b. The mouse to click on the next page.
c. The keyboard to fill out forms.

4. What kind of pages appeal to you most?
a. Fun, crazy sites about random things.
b. Sensible, informative sites.
c. Anything that grabs your attention and keeps it!

5. What attracts you to a site most?
a. Bright colours, wild graphics and FUN!
b. A clear, concise layout with neat frames.
c. Anything with a funky layout and cool colours!

Now add up your marks to find out what your website style is!!!!

Mostly A's: You are a wild and crazy person, who loves having FUN!!

Mostly B's: You are a very organised, neat person with high standards.

Mostly C's: You are a funky, chilled person who likes surfing, and making the most out of the web!
