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Rules about my site!

Here are a few things I would like to say about my site:

With some help from others, I made this site, so please so not copy it.

Some of the graphics have been made by other people, or by Angelfire, so please do not steal any graphics.

I love it when people sign my guestbook, but please do not use any graphics or spam (especially swearing) in my guestbook or slambook, as it is offensive and horrible. If you don't like my site then you don't have to stay, but please don't insult me because you don't like it.

I just want to thank Helen, Lillian and Zara for some of the fab graphics used on this site!

I am not getting any money for making this site, and am doing it because I want to.

I am not responsible in any way for the banners and advertisment by Angelfire. I have no control over them, and have complained many times to Angelfire about the disturbing adverts.

Thanks for reading this. I hope you enjoy your visit to my website! Love, Catherine xxx
