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Hi, my name is Katie and I arrived into the world on October 14, 2002.
My "mommy" thought I should have a few pages on her website so
that if anyone is interested in my progress they can just pop in here!

First of all, I came to live in my new home on December 22nd, just
in time to spend my first Christmas with my new family.  I was
a little afraid at first since people I have never seen before came and
told me I was going home with them and be part of their family.  I
guess they really wanted me because they drove from Ohio to
Wisconsin just to get me!!  I don't remember much of the trip going
home because I slept most of the way but I do remember occasionally
waking up and seeing these two new people smiling at me.

When we arrived home, I thought I'd give them a good impression
of me so I walked over to where I saw some newspaper in a puppy
litter box, jumped in, and did my "business".  Well, let me tell you...
my "mommy"  swore up and down that I was the smartest puppy
in the world!  ( I see how easy it is to score points
around here).

Now, I must admit I didn't make nighttime too accommodating.
Can you believe they actually expect me to sleep in a kennel crate
when they snuggle down on a nice comfortable-looking bed?  Well,
I decided  to try whining and looking up at them with a forlorn
expression on my face.  Teehee, I was right...that bed of theirs
really is comfortable  (mommy is such a pushover) !!

Okay, now it's time to work on "daddy".  The recliner he relaxes
in looks mighty comfortable to me.  So I slowly make my way
over to him and give him "the look" ( you know the look I'm
talking about).  Once again I was right....the recliner really
is comfortable!  He also has a lap that was just made for
me to nap on.  I like climbing up his chest and playing with
his beard and his hair....they tickle my little nose :)
"Daddy" is alot of fun to play with....he may be alot bigger
than me but I'm faster :-)

Then the day came when I had to go to my first doctor's visit.
I guess it wasn't so bad...the people were nice and I was given
a clean bill of health.  They put me on a scale and announced
I weigh 2 lbs., 4 oz.

So, that is my first week here and from what I've seen so
far, I'm fitting in perfectly!


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